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South Korean Private Military Company Black Iron to Introduce Military Tactical Training and Advanced Defense Technologies to Thailand

 A South Korean private military company, Black Iron, is set to introduce military tactical training and advanced defense technologies to Thailand. This follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Thailand’s Defence Technology Institute (DTI) and positive feedback from the Thai Minister of Defence.   On April 30th, Black Iron signed the MOU with DTI to collaborate on military tactical training and defense industry cooperation. The signing ceremony, held at DTI’s headquarters in Nonthaburi, Thailand, was attended by Erik Ku, CEO of Black Iron, Komson Prapunkarn, Acting Director-General of DTI, and Reywat Manawatao, CEO of local partner Raystorm. This agreement focuses on applying cutting-edge Korean defense equipment and technology in Thailand, jointly developing and implementing military training programs and simulations, and hosting a small-scale defense exhibition showcasing Korean companies.   Established in 2009 under the Thai Ministry of Defence, DTI aims to enhance Thailand’s defense production capabilities, globalize its defense industry, innovate defense technologies, and develop defense science and technology policies.   Additionally, on May 2nd, Black Iron presented its military training programs and advanced Korean defense materials and technologies during a meeting with Thai Minister of Defence Sutin Klungsang at the Ministry of Defence in Bangkok. Minister Sutin expressed significant interest in Black Iron’s training programs and instructed his chief aide to review their potential adoption through each Royal Thai military chief of staff. The meeting also included discussions on state-of-the-art Korean defense technologies and equipment, such as simulators and unmanned aerial vehicles, initiating procedural steps for their potential adoption. Minister Sutin, who met with Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik in late March, had previously expressed his desire for Korean involvement in Thailand’s military modernization.   According to Black Iron, this marks the first time a private Korean military training program will be exported to Thailand.   Founded last year, Black Iron specializes in military tactical training and provides consulting for the defense equipment and construction of training facilities. Leveraging the expertise of CEO Eric Ku and instructors from Republic of Korea special forces, the company has been offering tactical training to special forces, police, and SWAT teams both domestically and internationally. The MOU with DTI serves as a stepping stone for Black Iron’s foray into the overseas market, with specialized tactical training for the Royal Thai Air Force Special Operations Regiment scheduled for later this year.   CEO Eric Ku, a former special forces member, established the Korea Krav Maga Association (KKM) in 2012, promoting Krav Maga close combat techniques to military, police, and civilian sectors in Korea. He has trained numerous elite units and agencies, including the Special Warfare Command, 707th Special Mission Group, Military Police Battalion, Defense Counterintelligence Command, SWAT teams, riot police, National Police Agency, Presidential Security Service, and Military Police Special Operations Unit. Internationally, Black Iron operates branches in the US and Indonesia and has trained leaders from the US, Israel, Austria, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia.   Ku stated, “Through this MOU, we aim to be recognized globally as a leading Korean private military company. We seek to create a mutually beneficial partnership with the Thai Ministry of Defence, setting a precedent for future cooperation.”   박원중 기자 (park.wonjun.ja@gmail.com)military technologies military training military company defense technologies


[오늘의 생활영어] cover for (someone): ~대신 일하다

(Jack is talking to Richard on the telephone…)   (잭이 리처드와 통화한다…)   Jack: So can you work for me on Thursday?   잭: 그럼 목요일에 내 대신 일해줄 수 있는 거지?   Richard: Sure, I can cover for you.   리처드: 물론이지, 내가 해줄 수 있어.   Jack: I need to take the day off to get some dental work done.   잭: 치과 치료 때문에 하루 쉬어야 하거든.   Richard: Do you need me to work for you on Friday too?   리처드: 금요일에도 대신 해줄까?   Jack: I‘ll get back to you on that.   잭: 그건 나중에 알려줄께.   Richard: Okay.   리처드: 그래.   Jack: Everything you need for the classes will be on my desk.   잭: 수업에 필요한 모든 건 내 책상 위에 있을 거야.   Richard: All right.   리처드: 알았어.   Jack: Just leave me a note telling where you left off.   잭: 어디까지 수업했는지 메모를 남겨놔.     Richard: Sure.   리처드: 그럴게.   ━   기억할만한 표현     * take the day off: 학교, 직장 등을 하루 쉬다     “I’m going to take the day off next Monday.” (전 다음 월요일에는 하루 쉴 겁니다.)   * (one) will get back to you: 나중에 다시 말씀드리죠     “I‘ll get back to you about the company picnic when I get more information.” (회사 소풍에 대해서는 더 알아본 다음에 말씀드릴게요.)   * where (one) leaves off: 마지막에 어디까지 했는지     “I’ll tell you where I left off with your English class.” (영어 수업을 어디까지 했는지 제가 말씀해드리죠.)오늘의 생활영어 cover richard on dental work company picnic


[오늘의 생활영어] (someone or something) has been around for ages; 개업한지 오래되다

(Roberta is having lunch alone in a crowded cafeteria when a man carrying his lunch on a tray walks over to her table … )   (로버타가 사람 붐비는 식당에서 혼자 점심을 먹고 있는데 한 남자가 점심 쟁반을 들고 로버타의 식탁쪽으로 온다…)   Roger: Excuse me is anyone sitting here?   로저: 죄송하지만 여기 누가 앉을 건가요?   Roberta: No.   로버타: 아뇨.   Roger: May I sit here?   로저: 앉아도 될까요?   Roberta: Help yourself.   로버타: 그러세요.   Roger: Thank you. It's packed today.   로저: 고맙습니다. 오늘 아주 붐비네요.   Roberta: It's usually crowded every day at this time.   로버타: 이 시간에는 항상 붐비는 편이네요.   Roger: Do you work in the building?   로저: 이 건물 안에서 일하세요?   Roberta: Yes. I'm on the 19th floor. And you? Do you work here too?   로버타: 네. 전 19층에서 일하는데요. 그쪽은요? 여기서 일하세요?   Roger: Yes. I'm on the 20th floor. I'm with Computer Tech.   로저: 네. 전 20층에서 일합니다. 컴퓨터텍에서 일합니다.   Roberta: Oh that's an old company. They've been around for ages.   로버타: 아 거기 오래된 회사죠. 생긴지 오래됐잖아요.     ━   기억할만한 표현       * it's packed: 사람이 붐비다 물건이 꽉 차다     "My car is packed with boxes of shoes."     (제 차는 신발 상자들로 꽉 찼습니다.)   * (one) is with (a particular company): ~회사에서 일하다     "I'm with Universal Software. Our office is in downtown."     (저는 유니버설 소프트웨어에서 일합니다. 저희 사무실은 다운타운에 있죠.)오늘의 생활영어 ages 개업 particular company having lunch old company


[오늘의 생활영어] shake (somebody) up; 흔들어 놓다 기분 나쁘게 만들다

(Abby is stopped at a stop sign when a car plows into the rear of her car. The other driver walks over to see the damage … )   (애비가 도로 정지 신호 앞에 서 있는데 뒤에서 차가 애비 차의 뒤를 들이받는다. 운전자가 피해 정도를 보려고 걸어온다…)   Driver: Are you okay?   운전자: 괜찮으세요?   Abby: I'm a little shaken up but I think I'm okay.   애비: 좀 놀라긴 했지만 괜찮은 것 같은데요.   Driver: My brakes blew out.   운전자: 제 브레이크가 고장이 났어요.   Abby: Is there any damage?   애비: 차에 손상이 있나요?   Driver: It's not too bad. Should we call the police?   운전자: 아주 크지는 않아요. 경찰을 부를까요?   Abby: I don't think that's necessary but I would like your name address phone number and insurance company.   애비: 그럴 필요는 없을 것 같지만 이름하고 주소 전화번호랑 보험회사 이름을 주세요.   Driver: I have it all here.   운전자: 여기 다 있습니다.     Abby: I'll call your insurance company tomorrow.   애비: 내일 보험회사에 전화할게요.   기억할만한 표현   * plow into: ~로 들이받다     "A train derailed and plowed into two houses."     (기차가 탈선해서 집 두 채를 들이받았습니다.)   * blow out: 고장나다     "When your brakes blow out use your emergency brake."     (브레이크가 고장나면 비상 사이드 브레이크를 쓰세요.)   * rear-ender: 앞 차의 뒤를 들이받는 자동차 사고     "She rear-ended another car and lost her car insurance."     (그녀는 또 다른 차의 뒤를 들이받아서 자동차 보험을 잃고 말았습니다.)   California International University www.ciula.edu (213)381-3710오늘의 생활영어 somebody shake insurance company 보험회사 이름 car plows


미국 제조업 투자 설명회 개최

전 세계에서 인정하는 한국 기술력을 통해 뉴저지주 내에서 제조 사업을 하기 위한 사업 설명회가 열린다.   그린웍스 컴퍼니(Greenworks Company)는 “뉴저지에 위치한 회사로 미국내에서 수요가 높은 오가닉 여성 위생용품 (12~49세 사용)을 제조하기 위해 설립됐다”며 “오랫동안 한국과 미국을 오가며 무역업을 해 온 것을 바탕으로 제품을 수출입하는 것을 넘어서 자체 브랜드(Own brand)의 제품을 만들고자 하는 꿈이 있고, 한국인으로서 또 미국의 이민자로서, K-기술력이 인정받는 제품을 찾아 세계에서 가장 큰 시장인 미국에서 제조를 하고 싶어 준비하게 됐다”고 소개했다.   그린웍스는 기존 관련 사업체와 다르게 미국내에서 제조를 결정하게 된 이유에 대해 “한국에서 제조해 미국에 수입하는 방식도 고민했으나, 코로나 발생 이후에, 전 세계적인 스플라이 체인(Supply Chain) 문제와 각국이 보호무역으로 시선을 돌리면서, 미국내에서 연방, 주정부 차원에서 제조업을 부활시키기 위한 많은 투자를 하고 있어, 이에 발 맞추어 미국에서 그동안 외국의 수입품에 전적으로 의존한 필수생활 용품을 조사했고, 올가닉 여성 생리용품이 미국내의 어마어마한 시장 가능성에 비해, 제조없이 거의 전적으로 수입함을 알게 됐다”며 “한국 여성 위생 용품은 이미 미국내 다수의 관련 업체의 인터뷰를 통해 확인할수 있어, ▶시장의 크기.기술력 ▶국가적 정치 방향 ▶여성의 인권신장 등의 여러조건이 미국내에서 오가닉 여성 위생용품을 제조하기로 결심한 계기가 됐다”고 설명했다.       그린웍스가 발표한 투자 조건에 따르면 ▶1인 투자액 : 3만 달러 이상 ▶예상 수익률 : 연 12% ~ 16%(Compound Rate 적용시 40% 수익가능) ▶투자(상환) 기간 : 1년~3년 ▶투자 신청마감 : 2023년 2월 28일 ▶최초 수익률 지급일정 : 2024년 3월 1일부터다.   또 그릭웍스는 ▶시장 규모는 2031년에 410억 달러 ▶미국내 유통 벤더와의 네트워크 구축, 미국내 B2B 사업 시작, 이후 세계 각국 확장 ▶공장설비 마무리 단계 ▶2024년 상반기 상품 출시 계획 등을 밝혔다.   투자 문의 : 201-355-2988(권기봉 CEO)/551-297-5912(김남균 COO).  심종민 기자 shim.jongmin@koreadailyny.com그린웍스 미국 제조업 투자 설명회 그린웍스 컴퍼니 Greenworks Company 오가닉 여성 위생용품 권기봉 CEO 김남균 COO


Wave Company uses proprietary conductive silicone called ElecSil, a unique material for smart textiles, to develop wearable suits and electro-haptic technologies.

Wave Company, a sports tech start-up that runs “WaveWear”, an innovative sportswear brand that implements kinesiology taping with its new material of wave-shaped bio-silicone that maintains stickiness even when washing, said it has developed a new conductive silicone material called “ElecSil, the Electronic Silicone.”   ElecSil is a bio-sensor wearable electrode technology that is expected to be widely used in wearable devices, smartwear, and clothing in the future because it stretches and bends together while being in close contact with the skin and lacks information enough to accurately measure the electrocardiogram of small mice.     In addition, it is a wearable flexible electrode pad that can read bio-signals such as heart rate measurement, electrocardiogram, and electromyogram by performing a role of connecting the human body and wearable devices by electrically sending and receiving signals.     It is characterized by making the ElecSil electrode, which is coated on clothing, into a simple patch type, and combining it with heat like pressing with an iron so that it can be easily attached to clothes. Currently, it will collaborate with Physiolab, a company specializing in biometric signal measurement based in South Korea, to introduce the first prototype before March next year after completing the first module development within this year.     “Like Wave Company’s ‘Electro-Tile Haptic’ tactile smart-suit linked to VR, which is currently being funded by crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, there is also a plan to develop electrode-integrated smartwear and protective pads that can collect user biometric information as well as touch electrical stimulation.”   It is widely believed that electrotactile stimulation, also known as electrical haptic stimulation, is theoretically capable of implementing up to five contacts (tapping, caressing, poking, weight, temperature, etc.), so it is expected to be used as a alternative to vibrations in games, education, and training.     In addition, Wave Company’s ElecSil electrode pad will be used on the diet waist supporter, a mid-frequency electric stimulation wearable device developed by Medsapiens, a physical therapy equipment developer. The electrode pad is composed of 12 electrodes and stably operated even when the output power is strong. A specific electrical stimulus is transmitted to the user according to the situation.     High-intensity EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) exercise is possible for a short time by maximizing contraction and relaxation through electrical stimulation transmitted to muscles during exercise, and pain relief can be expected during muscle contraction and relaxation.     EMS is a training method known to have been used by Muhammad Ali for training, and is known to have a more effective muscle strengthening training effect compared to the same time when the brain transmits stimulation to the muscles.   EMS is a body-safe electrical stimulation used in medical care alone with TENS electrical stimulation used in physical therapy.     “We have doubled the number of electrodes that can be connected to one device compared to the existing electrode pads, and you can choose the desired electrical stimulation position, so you can feel a total of six stimulation types,” said Nancy Cho, CEO of Wave Company.    이동희 기자 (lee.donghee.ja@gmail.com)technologies proprietary silicone material wave company wearable devices


Wave Company participates in ‘SLUSH 2022’… “New material ElecSil-applied smartwear ElecSuit expands to gaming and medical sectors”

Wave Company (CEO Nancy Cho) announced that it will participate in “SLUSH 2022”, the largest startup event in Northern Europe, to be held in Helsinki, Finland from Thursday 17th November to Friday 18th November. It plans to focus on preparing for events such as IR pitching, and an investment attraction briefing.   By developing high-performance bio-silicone materials, Wave Company develops sportswear and smartwear that provide a pleasant exercise life without worrying about pain or injury.   With its compression wear brand ‘WaveWear’, Wave Company converts disposable sports tapes into reusable adhesive silicone (BWAS) and combines them with clothing and protectors.   The exclusive patent material technology “BWAS” is in the form of silicone, but it maintains adhesion even after washing and flexibly adheres to the skin even if you sweat, officials explained. In addition to providing three times stronger and more flexible support on the joints with a smart compression system, it also takes an auto-fit sports taping method that is naturally applied to the location where taping is needed when worn.   So, anyone can benefit from sports taping.   In state-approved clinical trials, muscle fatigue was relieved 35% more than with other compression wear, allowing exercise for longer without getting tired.   “ElecSil”, a flexible conductive bio-silicone with some adhesion and elasticity, will be introduced in “SLUSH 2022” for medical applications. “The electrocardiogram of the mouse’s small heart is sophisticated enough to measure and has excellent durability, such as maintaining skin adhesion after washing,” explained CEO Jonahyeon.   Additionally, she stated, “ElecSuit, a wearable smartwear applied with ElecSil, is an electrical haptic, which not only integrates well with the fabric, but it is also soft and very thin, so it feels comfortable to wear even though it is a functional garment.” Further, the low resistance value makes it ideal for raw data collection and transmission, and it comes at a more competitive price.   It also provides a more immersive gaming experience and will be commercialized in medical fields such as physical therapy by using it for electrocardiogram and electromyography in the future.   In addition, you can check out VR haptic suits that combine VR with Electrical Muscle Stimulation(EMS) suits on Indigogo, a global crowdfunding site. As a result of Jeonbuk Techno Park XR Development Support Center’s support, the VR haptic suit combines technologies that reproduce different senses, such as touch, into sports. This is so that wearers can experience both fun and exercise.   We plan to expand not only sports but also industrial areas such as haptic, education, medical, industry, and gaming in the future. According to an official at Wave Company. “We look forward to various technology exchanges and investment opportunities at Slush.”    이동희 기자 (lee.donghee.ja@gmail.com)material company wave company silicone materials sports taping


[오늘의 생활영어] (someone or something) has been around for ages; 개업한지 오래되다

(Roberta is having lunch alone in a crowded cafeteria when a man carrying his lunch on a tray walks over to her table … )   (로버타가 사람 붐비는 식당에서 혼자 점심을 먹고 있는데 한 남자가 점심 쟁반을 들고 로버타의 식탁쪽으로 온다…)   Roger: Excuse me is anyone sitting here?   로저: 죄송하지만 여기 누가 앉을 건가요?   Roberta: No.   로버타: 아뇨.   Roger: May I sit here?   로저: 앉아도 될까요?   Roberta: Help yourself.   로버타: 그러세요.   Roger: Thank you. It's packed today.   로저: 고맙습니다. 오늘 아주 붐비네요.   Roberta: It's usually crowded every day at this time.   로버타: 이 시간에는 항상 붐비는 편이네요.   Roger: Do you work in the building?   로저: 이 건물 안에서 일하세요?   Roberta: Yes. I'm on the 19th floor. And you? Do you work here too?   로버타: 네. 전 19층에서 일하는데요. 그쪽은요? 여기서 일하세요?   Roger: Yes. I'm on the 20th floor. I'm with Computer Tech.   로저: 네. 전 20층에서 일합니다. 컴퓨터텍에서 일합니다.   Roberta: Oh that's an old company. They've been around for ages.   로버타: 아 거기 오래된 회사죠. 생긴지 오래됐잖아요.   기억할만한 표현   * it's packed: 사람이 붐비다 물건이 꽉 차다     "My car is packed with boxes of shoes."     (제 차는 신발 상자들로 꽉 찼습니다.)   * (one) is with (a particular company): ~회사에서 일하다     "I'm with Universal Software. Our office is in downtown."     (저는 유니버설 소프트웨어에서 일합니다. 저희 사무실은 다운타운에 있죠.)     California International University www.ciula.edu (213)381-3710오늘의 생활영어 ages 개업 particular company having lunch 유니버설 소프트웨어


[오늘의 생활영어] shake (somebody) up; 흔들어 놓다, 기분 나쁘게 만들다

(Abby is stopped at a stop sign when a car plows into the rear of her car. The other driver walks over to see the damage … )   (애비가 도로 정지 신호 앞에 서 있는데 뒤에서 차가 애비 차의 뒤를 들이받는다. 운전자가 피해 정도를 보려고 걸어온다…)   Driver: Are you okay?   운전자: 괜찮으세요?   Abby: I'm a little shaken up but I think I'm okay.   애비: 좀 놀라긴 했지만 괜찮은 것 같은데요.   Driver: My brakes blew out.   운전자: 제 브레이크가 고장이 났어요.   Abby: Is there any damage?   애비: 차에 손상이 있나요?   Driver: It's not too bad. Should we call the police?   운전자: 아주 크지는 않아요. 경찰을 부를까요?   Abby: I don't think that's necessary but I would like your name address phone number and insurance company.   애비: 그럴 필요는 없을 것 같지만 이름하고 주소 전화번호랑 보험회사 이름을 주세요.   Driver: I have it all here.   운전자: 여기 다 있습니다.     Abby: I'll call your insurance company tomorrow.   애비: 내일 보험회사에 전화할게요.     ━   기억할만한 표현     ▶plow into: ~로들이받다   A train derailed and plowed into two houses.   (기차가탈선해서집두채를들이받았습니다.)   ▶blow out: 고장나다   When your brakes blow out use your emergency brake.   (브레이크가 고장나면 비상 사이드 브레이크를쓰세요.)   ▶rear-ender:앞차의뒤를들이받는자동차사고   She rear-ended another car and lost her car insurance.   (그녀는 또 다른 차의 뒤를 들이받아서 자동차 보험을 잃고 말았습니다.)오늘의 생활영어 somebody shake insurance company 보험회사 이름 car plows


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