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최고 품질 명성 ‘대한정육’ 온라인 판매

가장 뛰어난 품질의 육류 제품(meats) 제품을 취급해 이미 뉴욕·뉴저지 지역 최고 수준의 식당과 슈퍼마켓에서 최고의 제품, 신뢰의 브랜드로 명성을 얻고 있는 ‘대한정육(GMM: Green Meat Market)’이 일반 소비자들을 대상으로 소매 판매를 본격 시작한다.   대한정육은 “최근 회사가 2세 경영 시대로 순조롭고 성공적으로 전환하고, 이를 바탕으로 사업을 적극 확장하기로 했다”고 발표했다.   대한정육은 새로운 사업의 구체적인 내용으로 ▶소비자에게 온라인으로 다양한 육류를 직접 선택하고 구매할 수 있는 대한정육(KMB) 웹사이트(kmeatbox.com) 온라인 바비큐숍을 론칭하고 ▶뉴욕·뉴저지·커네티컷을 포함한 9개주(CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA) 고객들을 대상으로 육류제품을 구매하면 단 하루만에 집 앞까지 배달하는 ‘오버나잇 딜리버리(밤샘 배달)’ 서비스를 확대했다. 여기서 단 하루만에 육류 제품을 받아 볼 수 있는 오버나잇 딜리버리 서비스를 제공 받으려면 최소 65달러 이상을 구매해야 하고, 150달러 이하 구매에는 배달료 9달러 99센트가 부과된다.   대한정육은 현재 뉴욕·뉴저지·커네티컷 등을 포함해 9개주 고객들을 대상으로 하는 오버나잇 딜리버리 서비스를 내년 2분기에는 미국 전역으로 확대할 예정이다.   대한정육은 “최근 심화된 인플레이션으로 인해 소비자들이 뛰어난 품질과 경쟁력 있는 육류 제품을 선택하는 것이 어려워지고 있다”며 “이와 함께 미국의 육류 산업의 구조(하이어라키)가 복잡해지고, 서플라이 체인(공급망)이 어려워진 데도 원인이 있다”고 설명했다.   그러나 대한정육은 이미 오래전부터 뉴욕·뉴저지 지역 최고 수준의 식당과 슈퍼마켓과 파트너십을 만들어 ‘최고 품질의 육류(top-quality meats)’를 공급하며 탄탄한 명성을 쌓았기에, 직접 온라인을 통해 소비자들에게 ‘뛰어난 품질’ ‘경쟁력 있는 가격’으로 다가서는 새로운 사업이 성공적으로 진행될 것으로 기대하고 있다.   한편 대한정육은 “우리는 창사 이래 회사의 창업 이념(company mission)으로 ▶뛰어난 품질(Quality): 최고 품질의 육류를 공급 ▶투명성(Transparency): 육류 제품의 정확한 무게 확인(양념 무료 제공) ▶자부심(Authenticity): 미국에서 고객들의 식탁에 한국의 바비큐 문화, 식품 문화를 전달하는 기업으로서의 사명감 ▶편리함(Convenience): 소비자들은 언제 어디서나 빠르고 편리하게 뛰어난 품질의 육류를 구매하고 즐길 수 있는 시스템 구축을 추구해 왔다”며 고객들이 새롭게 론칭한 온라인 육로 제품 구입 시스템을 많이 이용해 줄 것을 요청했다.       ◆대한정육(GMM: Green Meat Market) ▶전화: 929-599-7407 ▶e메일: steve.hong@greenmeatmarket.com ▶뉴욕: 149-16 41st Ave Flushing, NY 11355, 뉴저지: 545 Shaler Blvd. Ridgefield, NJ 07657     박종원 기자 park.jongwon@koreadailyny.com대한정육 GMM Green Meat Market KMB 대한정육 소매 대한정육 온라인 판매 대한정육 오버나잇 딜리버리 대한정육 고급 육류 대한정육 온라인 판매 사이트


Hyun-Jeong Kim, CEO of SPLabs, “Making full-fledged entry into global P2E with ‘Infinity Angel’”

 “We want to find a partner we can trust and work with. Starting with the global launch of ‘INFINITY ANGEL’ in September, we will also directly target P2E (Play to Earn) game market. We plan to build an ecosystem by bringing together several projects through ‘ONE PUNK’, a launchpad that will be introduced at the end of the year.”   Singapore-based blockchain consulting and platform company SPLabs woos Korean market. The company operates SPexchange and Wallet, a cryptocurrency exchange. Various blockchain projects such as Play to Earn (P2E), Move to Earn (M2E), and Travel to Earn (T2E) are also going on.     In particular, it will try to make a full-fledged entry into P2E game market, launching 'Infinity Angel' in the global market in September. P2E games such as 'Immortal Wars' and 'Aqua Pnix' are also planned to be sequentially released. The company has already gained experience by participating in P2E projects of several partners in the Southeast Asian market. In the second half of the year, beta service of the T2E service 'AIR TNT' will be conducted following the M2E service 'Stepwatch'. It is also planning to launch the launchpad 'One Punk' at the end of this year and the metaverse 'Eureka' in the first half of next year.   Hyun-Jung Kim, CEO of SPLabs, said, “we worked as a partner in P2E projects such as 'Faraland' and 'Bemil', and enter directly into the market with 'Infinity Angel.' He added, “Following M2E ‘Step Watch’, T2E service ‘Air TNT’, Metaverse ‘Eureka’, and launchpad ‘One Punk’ are also in preparation.”   SPLabs is a blockchain company established in 2019. It is headquartered in Singapore and has a development organization in Vietnam. In South Korea, it is building a business partnership with Nettiss(CEO Ahn Hee-chan, Nettiss.com). SPLabs made a joint venture with Netis. It also signed an MOU with ItemVerse, a GameFi platform company through Nettiss, which was announced in June.     SPLabs is currently operating SPexchange, a cryptocurrency exchange. It has over 70,000 active users. The daily trading volume is said to be about 15 billion won. It started business with a focus on the Vietnamese market. It has gained experience by participating as a partner in several P2E game projects. It buckled down to operating its own project. Currently, it has a total of 70 employees including South Korea. It includes 38 Vietnamese developers and 16 people from the Singapore corporation.   CEO Kim said, “I visited Vietnam 7 years ago and was introduced to the blockchain field through an acquaintance, and also explained, “in the early days of SPLabs, we had little sales, but we received a lot of help working with local partners and we were able to achieve good results by participating in P2E projects.     The first challenger that starts its own service in the P2E game field is 'Infinity Angel', which is scheduled to be released in September. SPLabs said that is has built up its capabilities by collaborating with partners such as 'FARALAND', 'Bemil', and 'ThetanArena' in the Southeast Asian market. So, ‘Infinity Angel’ is the first P2E project directly led by SPLabs based on this.   ‘Infinity Angel’ is a real-time online battle arena game produced by Korean developer RedCube. It is designed to make money by using NFT characters. Goods can be acquired only by placing characters through the research lab function, which increases it accessibility.   SPLabs is also preparing 3D RPG 'Immortal Wars' and MMORPG 'Aqua Phoenix' as their next projects. CEO Kim introduced, “the game, ‘Infinity Angel,’ which was produced by RedCube, a domestic developer, will support NFT transactions through its own marketplace and it is planning to launch into a global market in September after it is ready for service.   SPLabs is also preparing T2E service ‘Air TNT’. This is a project that CEO Kim is preparing as the next-generation model of the M2E service, which made headlines in the first half of this year. Beta service is scheduled for the second half of the year in mobile app version, and details will be released next month. It is planned as a service that connects people and people, people and companies to share travel data, and allows all participants to generate profits. Participants are given with a mission based on travel packages and they can obtain rewards by performing them. It has signed MOUs with travel companies in Southeast Asia and is also promoting cooperation with Japanese companies.   “You can receive rewards by completing missions, but it is also possible to make and sell products yourself, or advertise your accommodations or restaurants,” and it's in a form in which a product is planned using the planner function and a reward is given when it is officially selected, said, CEO Kim.   SPLabs is also planning to introduce 'Eureka', a metaverse project that connects actual real estate and virtual space, mainly in Vietnam. It aims to release in the first half of next year in the form that includes both B2C and B2B.   CEO Kim said, “We are seeking a direction to connect the Vietnamese and Korean local governments" and "we are thinking of a form in which companies can participate and enjoy Vietnamese culture,” he added.   Despite recent concerns about the blockchain market, CEO Kim showed confidence in the business process. The response of the M2E project 'Stepwatch', which is currently in progress, is positive. The governance token ‘SWP’ of ‘Stepwatch’ is listed on exchanges such as Gate.io. Non-Fungible Token (NFT) sales are about 6 million dollars. He emphasized that many external project companies are inquiring about partnerships.   “Recently, we also suffered a blow, such as a decrease in the volume of the exchange by more than half, but the cryptocurrency market was turbulent and the NFT market is infinite," and "something unexpected comes out every year because of different approaches, so it is important who understands trends first and leads the way” CEO Kim said confidently.   SPLabs presented the goal of this year to build an ecosystem by bringing together all the projects they are currently planning by releasing ‘One Punk’ at the end of the year. ‘One Punk’ is a launchpad platform that is the core of SPLabs’ business. Launchpad refers to a kind of public offering platform that provides investment opportunities to the general public by discovering new blockchain projects. SPLabs plans to include all existing service projects through ‘One Punk.’ It not only covers P2E games including ‘Infinity Angel’ and projects of SPLabs such as ‘Air TNT’ but also projects of external partners. It's strategy is to expand into an ecosystem where external partners can participate with their blockchain projects by issuing cryptocurrency that will serve as a key currency in the future. In particular, it promised to operate transparently as if it was conscious of the negative views on recent blockchain projects.   CEO Kim explained, “The strength of Launchpad is that it can absorb communities of all projects" and "if we launch a good project while forming a community by collaborating with partners, other communities will follow."   SPLabs is working with Nettiss to strengthen domestic partnerships. It is explained that the company will discover promising companies and grow together by providing SPLabs' technology and planning capabilities.   CEO Kim said, “We are just a start-up, and in South Korea, we want to make a good partner to promote SPLabs and grow together” 강동현 기자 kang_donghyun@koreadaily.cominfinity making infinity angel korean market game market


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