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[오늘의 생활영어] I'm just looking; 그냥 구경하는 거예요



(Bill is in a store … )
(빌이 가게에 있다…)
Salesperson: Can I help you sir?
판매원: 도와드릴까요?
Bill: No thanks. I'm just looking.
빌: 아녜요. 그냥 구경하는 거예요.
Salesperson: I'll be around. If you need any help let me know.
판매원: 제가 근처에 있을께요. 도움이 필요하면 저한테 알려주세요.
Bill: Well just out of curiosity how much is that necklace?
빌: 글쎄 그냥 궁금해서 그런데요. 그 목걸이 얼마예요?
Salesperson: It's forty-nine ninety-nine.
판매원: 49달러99센트에요.
Bill: Really? My sister's birthday is tomorrow. She's really into jewelry. I think I'll take it.
빌: 정말요? 제 동생 생일이 내일인데요. 걔가 보석 정말 좋아하거든요. 살까봐요.
Salesperson: That's a good choice. I'm sure she'll love it.
판매원: 잘 고르셨어요. 분명히 좋아하실 거에요.
Bill: Let's hope so.
빌: 그러면 좋겠어요.

기억할만한 표현

* I'll be around: 제가근처에있을께요
"I'll be around when you're ready to go to the movie." (영화보러갈 준비가 되면 저한테 연락주세요.)
* let (someone) know: ~에게알려주다
"If you want to go to Las Vegas next weekend let me know." (다음주에 라스베이거스에 가고 싶으면 저한테 얘기해주세요.)
* to be into (something): ~에 흠뻑 빠지다 아주 좋아하다
"I was into hockey when I was in high school." (제가 고등학교 시절에 하키를 즐겼습니다.)

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