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SEOMJAE, Developer of Personalized AI Solutions, Recognized with ‘2025 CES Innovation Award’ for their Technological Excellence

SEOMJAE has been recognized with the prestigious "CES 2025 Innovation Award" ahead of the world’s largest consumer electronics exhibition, CES 2025, which will take place in Las Vegas in January next year.     SEOMJAE announced on the 00th that it has been awarded the CES 2025 Innovation Award in the Mobile Devices, Accessories & Apps category. The CES Innovation Award, presented by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), honors companies that have developed groundbreaking and innovative technologies.     The award-winning CoachON platform, developed by SEOMJAE, is an AI-powered educational tool designed to enhance the mathematical skills of elementary and middle school students while helping them effectively solve problems.     CoachON incorporates three AI-driven educational solutions, all of which have been patented by SEOMJAE.    The first solution automatically analyzes and summarizes online lectures, systematically evaluating the instructor’s teaching style to deliver personalized insights and data tailored to individual learners.    The second solution utilizes AI to automatically identify key problems and explanations within textbooks, presenting the necessary learning strategies to ensure a more effective and efficient learning process to students.    The third solution integrates an AI chatbot to offer customized Q&A services, fostering active engagement and guiding learners through structured, step-by-step problem-solving exercises.     A spokesperson for SEOMJAE remarked, “We are deeply honored to receive the CES 2025 Innovation Award in the Mobile Devices, Accessories & Apps category. This recognition further strengthens our commitment to advancing AI-based educational processes. We will keep focusing dedication to making significant contributions to the future of education in Korea and beyond.”      박원중 기자 ([email protected])innovation excellence innovation award necessary learning key problems


NF Co., Ltd. Wins KES Innovation Award for Wellness Oxygen Supply System

NF Co., Ltd. (CEO Sang-kon Lee), a company specializing in oxygen supply systems, has won the Innovation Award in the Digital Health category at the Korea Electronics Show (KES) for its wellness-focused oxygen supply system, NOSS.   KES, Korea's largest electronics and IT industry exhibition, is hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy and organized by the Korea Electronics Association (KEA). The event, held over three days from October 22, showcased a wide range of products, awarding those that excelled in innovation and market potential.   Founded in 2012, NF Co., Ltd. is a pioneer in oxygen supply systems and developed the first centralized medical oxygen supply system in Korea. Building on its medical device manufacturing expertise, the company has expanded its business into wellness solutions. The wellness oxygen supply system provides 99.9% anti-microbial purified oxygen, increasing oxygen concentration levels by 1%. It creates a forest-like atmosphere, enhancing comfort and offering health benefits.   The NOSS system, which earned the Innovation Award, is ideal for home or office use. In partnership with KT, NF also launched the GenieAir brand, with the system now available in corporate offices and hotels across Korea. As more people become aware of the health benefits of oxygen—like reducing fatigue and improving concentration—demand for NOSS continues to grow.    박원중 기자 ([email protected])innovation wellness oxygen supply wellness oxygen innovation award


Youn Young-mi, CEO of Highland Foods Co., Ltd., Awarded ‘Korea CEO Hall of Fame’ in Global Category for Fourth Consecutive Year

Youn Young-mi (pictured), CEO of Highland Foods Co., Ltd., has been honored with the prestigious 'Korea CEO Hall of Fame' award in the Global category for the fourth consecutive year. This award is organized by the Institute for Industrial Policy Studies under the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy.   Founded in 1999, Highland Foods, a global meat food company, has spent the past 25 years building a stable supply chain through direct sourcing from over 50 meat producers across 15 countries. Driven by the goal of “making quality meat accessible to everyone at reasonable prices,” the company also contributes to Korea's food security and price stability.   Highland Foods has established overseas production bases by setting up subsidiaries in the U.S.. The company has also founded Highland Innovation Co., Ltd., a subsidiary focused on meat processing, with production facilities in Busan and Icheon. The company strives to build an integrated cold chain system, covering everything from import to manufacturing and distribution.   Since its inception in 1999, the company has steadily grown, achieving total group sales of approximately USD 830 million as of 2023. Over the past five years, Highland Foods has recorded a remarkable 19% annual sales growth rate, earning it a spot on the Financial Times' list of the 'Asia-Pacific High-Growth Companies 500' for five consecutive years (2020-2024).   Additionally, Highland Foods participated in the 2024 Korea Import Fair, where it collaborated with prominent overseas partners to expand the supply of high-quality meat. Notable global partners attending the event included Kilcoy Global Foods, a leading Australian beef producer, HyLife Foods from Canada specializing in pork, and Lar from Brazil, a major poultry producer. At the exhibition, Highland Foods showcased innovative B2B marketing strategies, including OEM and ODM programs for domestic food companies. The company also unveiled its private meat processing brand, "Natural Farmers," and launched the online meat shopping mall "Wellbon Market," further solidifying its global reputation.   Moreover, on the 20th of last month, CEO Youn accompanied President Yoon Suk-yeol on a diplomatic visit to the Czech Republic as part of a 'trade delegation.' She participated in the Korea-Czech Business Partnership event, discussing ways to expand trade between Korean and Czech companies and spearheaded the signing of a trade MOU between the Korea Importers Association and the Czech government, focusing on stabilizing global supply chain networks.   In addition, in 2021, CEO Youn established the Highland Future Foundation to fulfill the company's ESG responsibilities, leading efforts in philanthropy and talent development, including the 'Future Dream Scholarship Program' aimed at supporting underprivileged communities.    박원중 기자 ([email protected])highland category highland foods years highland highland innovation


현철수 박사, 뉴욕헬스포럼 개최

뉴욕·뉴저지를 중심으로 환자를 진료하면서, 미국 내 한인들의 위암 조기진단의 중요성을 전하고 한편으로 다수의 건강의학 서적 저술 활동을 하고 있는 위장내과 전문의 현철수(사진) 박사가 의학 대중화를 위해 헬스포럼 행사를 개최한다.   현철수 박사가 이사장을 맡고 있는 뉴욕헬스포럼(New York Health Forum)은 오는 28일(목) 오후 2시부터 4시20분까지 뉴욕시 맨해튼에 있는 코리아소사이어티(The Korea Society: 350 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10017)에서 제24회 뉴욕헬스포럼 행사를 개최한다고 발표했다.   이번 포럼은 ‘생명과학과 의료에서 혁신과 협력(Innovation and Collaboration in the Life Sciences and Healthcare)’을 주제로 2개 세션 발표에 이은 패널토론 등의 순서로 진행될 예정이다.   첫 번째 세션에서는 기술 분야 미래학자(Technology Futurist)이며 저술가인 제이미 멧즐 박사(Jamie Metzl, JD, PhD)가 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 이후 생명과학과 의학 분야에서 엄청난 변화가 가속화되는 중에 전문의, 의료기업 경영가, 의과학자, 보건정책 담당자, 투자자, 의료정책 입안자(정치인) 등이 더 나은 의료를 위해 어떻게 협력해야 하는지 등에 대한 내용을 발표한다.   이어 ‘의료 불평등 대담(Health Equity Dialogue)’을 주제로 한 두 번째 세션에서는 뉴욕시립대 레비 월드론 박사(Levi Waldron, PhD)가 팬데믹을 계기로 심화되고 있는 인종(소수계)과 사회적 수준에 따른 의료 혜택의 심각한 불평등 현상을 지적하고 이를 극복하기 위한 대안을 모색할 예정이다   한편 뉴욕헬스포럼은 지난해 뉴저지주 포트리 배리모어 필름센터에서 열린 제23회 행사에서는 앤디 김(민주·뉴저지 3선거구) 연방하원의원 등이 참석한 가운데 ‘위암 불평등: 장벽을 넘어’를 주제로 ▶재미 한인을 대상으로 한 위암 교육의 필요성 ▶높은 위암 발병률·낮은 생존율 극복 대책 ▶한인 특성을 반영한 정책 제안 등에 대해 논의한 바 있다.     박종원 기자 [email protected]현철수 박사 뉴욕헬스포럼 제24회 뉴욕헬스포럼 뉴욕헬스포럼 코리아소사이어티 New York Health Forum 생명과학과 의료에서 혁신과 협력 Innovation and Collaboration in the Life Sciences and Healthcare


RebuilderAI won CES 2024 Innovation award for its AI-based 3D digital twin contents creating solution

RebuilderAI Ltd (ceo Junghyun Kim), a 3D technology startup won Innovation Award at CES 2024 “Mobile Devices, Accessories & Apps”  for its mobile-based 3D contents creating solution ‘VRIN 3D’. You can experience RebuilderAI’s solution at the booth in CES 2024, which is held in Las Vegas in January 2024.     RebuilderAI is a startup that retains 3D Reconstruction and Generative AI technology. Its growth potential is acknowledged and has secured investment from Naver D2 Startup Factory, KB Investment, and INOX Ltd. RebuilderAI was recognized by major corporates, being selected for Samsung’s C-Lab accelerator program and CJ O-Ventus, and has been building up a partnership. Especially, through the MOU with Lotte Caliverse, the 3D contents in Caliverse will be produced with ReebuilderAI’s technology.   RebuilderAI’s VRIN 3D, the awardee of Innovation Award at CES 2024, is an AI-based solution where the users can quickly create 3D contents simply by capturing the surrounding objects and space on their smartphone. The essence of this service is the AI technology that recreates real object into 3D from pictures. As AI technology is applied to mobile devices, the usability is improved, and the cost is significantly cheaper than the conventional scanning devices, RebuilderAI’s SW “VRIN 3D” is being used for scanning various objects such as products and parts,   As of October 2023, the global release of VRIN 3D, RebuilderAI has been cooperating with domestic and international companies and institutes. The recent update improved the 3D contents quality and automated process, and it has been receiving positive feedback. The latest version of VRIN automatically retouches the material, mesh and styling of the 3D model, with this new feature it achieved the consistency of the quality even without manual post processing, and produces high quality 3D model. The user experience is also significantly improved.   Jung-Hyun Kim, the CEO of RebuilderAI remarked, "The 3D contents market is continuously expanding, and RebuilderAI will pioneer 3D reconstruction market through the steady development of the technology." He also stated “We are focusing on the solution for the businesses at the moment, however we will expand to B2C in the future, so that anyone can easily and quickly create・utilize 3D contents using VRIN 3D.”    박원중 기자 ([email protected])solution contents contents creating innovation award contents quality


비비큐 치킨, 뉴욕서 치킨버거 대회 개최

한국 최고의 치킨 프랜차이즈 비비큐 치킨이 최근 뉴욕의 명문 요리학교인 CIA 컨설팅(CIA consulting)과 협력해 제1회 치킨버거 대회(Student Innovation Challenge)를 개최했다.     올 첫 대회에서는 한식을 치킨 샌드위치에 녹여내는 요리법을 주제로 8명의 학생이 본선에서 경쟁했는데, 우승자에게는 5000달러의 장학금과 함께 뉴욕 한인타운(K-Town)에서의 메뉴 출시 기회가 주어졌다.     대회 결승 진출자들은 비비큐에서 제공하는 재료를 활용해 자신만의 새로운 샌드위치를 선보였으며, 추가적으로 비비큐의 소스를 사용할 경우 가산점이 주어졌다.     올 첫 대회 우승작은 치킨의 바삭함뿐 아니라 베이컨과 소스의 짠맛과 복숭아 단맛의 시너지 맛을 창출한 CIA 학생 사라 혼하트(Sarah Honhart)의 ‘Spicy Peach & Praline Bacon Sandwich’가 차지했다. 또 우승작 외에도 땅콩 치킨 샌드위치, 골든 고추장 치킨 샌드위치, 짜장 마라 치킨 샌드위치 등 이색적인 샌드위치들이 만들어져 눈길을 끌었다. 2위 학생에게는 3000달러 장학금 수여.   대회 심사는 유명 미슐랭 스타 셰프이자 CIA 동문인 데이비드 심 셰프와 김대익 셰프가 심사위원을 맡아 자리를 빛냈다.     데이비드 심 셰프는 “한국 식재료를 활용해 이렇게 다양한 콘셉트의 음식을 만들어내는 것이 놀랍다. 젊은 세대가 독창적이고 창의적인 방식으로 한국 음식을 해석하는 것을 보는 것이 흥미롭다”라고 소감을 밝혔다.     대회를 마친 뒤 조셉 김 비비큐USA 대표는 “비비큐 치킨의 세계적인 성공은 항상 최고의 치킨을 만들겠다는 신념하에 가맹주를 철저히 교육하고, 고객에게 일관된 식사 경험을 제고하는 데서 비롯된다”라며 “비비큐 역시 교육의 중요성을 인식하고 있기에 미국 명문 요리학교인 CIA와 협력하게 된 것을 자랑스럽게 생각하고, 치킨 샌드위치를 포함해 다양한 한류음식(K-Food)이 세계적인 사랑을 받을 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.     한편 비비큐 치킨은 전년도 대비 68.6%의 높은 성장률과 함께 2022년 미국 외식업 전문지 ‘Nation’s Restaurant News‘가 선정한 ’미국 내에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 외식 브랜드‘ 2위에 올라 주목을 받았다. 박종원 기자 [email protected]비비큐 치킨 뉴욕 치킨버거 대회 CIA 컨설팅 제1회 치킨버거 대회 Student Innovation Challenge 조셉 김 대표 데이비드 심 셰프 김대익 셰프 CIA


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