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Earth Fabrics launches CACT, vegan leather made from cactus

Sustainable fabric manufacturing startup Earth Fabrics has officially launched CACT, a 100% animal-free vegan leather, introducing its first product line, CACT-70. This product is made using the stems of cacti native to Jeju Island and boasts significantly lower carbon emissions compared to conventional synthetic and animal leather.   Recently, there has been criticism that vegan leather is merely a rebranding of conventional synthetic leather for marketing purposes. While vegan leather carries a positive meaning by excluding animal-derived ingredients, many products still rely on petroleum-based materials, which have a high environmental cost. In contrast, CACT-70 by Earth Fabrics is gaining attention as a truly sustainable vegan alternative, utilizing natural cactus materials to reduce environmental impact.   Earth Fabrics’ latest cactus leather line, CACT-70, carries a powerful environmental message in its name. Inspired by the sobering reality that 70 species are lost to extinction daily, the product highlights the urgent need for biodiversity conservation. It also reflects warnings that 25% of all species could face extinction by 2050 if current trends continue.   The CACT-70 line is available in 10 colors, each named after endangered species, such as ‘Moon Bear Black,’ ‘Marten Beige,’ and ‘Pere David’s Deer Brown.’ By incorporating these names, the brand aims to create a direct connection between consumers and pressing environmental issues, encouraging informed and meaningful choices.   Earth Fabrics’ CACT replaces petroleum-based compounds typically found in synthetic leather with cactus and plant-based ingredients. This change significantly reduces carbon emissions during production. While traditional animal leather production emits around 30 kgCO2eq per yard, CACT emits just 3 kgCO2eq, achieving a 90% reduction in carbon emissions. According to Ye Hoon Shin, CEO of Earth Fabrics, “Using one yard of CACT is equivalent to planting three trees in terms of carbon reduction.”   The CACT-70 line balances sustainability and quality, crafted in collaboration with artisans with over 40 years of experience. It is produced by manufacturers certified by globally recognized standards, including Gold certification from the Leather Working Group (LWG) and approval from the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Foundation (ZDHC). Additionally, it incorporates eco-friendly materials certified by the USDA (100% bio-based) and Europe’s Vincotte OK (highest bio-based rating).   The product has passed rigorous safety standards, including Korea’s KC safety standards for textile and leather products, with no detected harmful substances. It also demonstrated exceptional durability by withstanding over 50,000 abrasion tests. Furthermore, it accommodates advanced craftsmanship techniques, such as edge coating, leather skiving, and heat embossing, traditionally used only for animal leather. Under the slogan “We Love Earth”, Earth Fabrics is committed to continuously developing innovative products that promote environmental protection.    최지원 기자fabrics leather earth fabrics animal leather by earth


[오늘의 생활영어] why on earth? 대체 왜 그런 일이 있죠?

(Penny and Erin are having coffee … )     (페니와 에린이 커피를 마시며…)     Penny: Chances are it’s going to rain tomorrow.     페니: 아마도 내일 비가 올 거래.     Erin: Really? I didn’t know that.     에린: 정말 ? 난 몰랐는데.     Penny: Don’t you keep track of the weather?     페니: 날씨 잘 안보니?     Erin: Not really. I keep an umbrella in my car.   에린: 별로 . 난 차 안에 우산을 두고 다니거든.     Penny: I always like to know what the weather is going to be like.     페니: 난 언제나 날씨가 어떻게 될 지 알고 싶은데.     Erin: Why on earth is that important?     에린: 그게 왜 그리 중요한데?     Penny: I like to be prepared.     페니: 준비하고 싶어서.     Erin: I like to be surprised. I like walking in the rain.     에린: 난 놀라는 것도 좋아. 비 속을 걷는 것도 좋고.     Penny: Why do you suppose we are such good friends? We are so different.     페니: 우리가 왜 그리 친한 친구일까? 이리도 다른데.     Erin: Maybe it’s because we have known each other our whole lives.     에린: 어쩜 평생 알고 지내서 그런 거겠지.     기억할만한 표현   * chances are: ~할 확률이 크다 아마도 ~ 할 것이다     "Chances are his marriage won't last very long." (아마도 그의 결혼은 그리 오래 가지 않을 겁니다.)     * keep track of (someone or something): 관심을 가지고 지켜보다     "When you are not an organized person keeping track of things can be difficult." (정리 정돈이 안된 사람은 일이 어떻게 진행되는지 알기 자체가 힘든 법이죠.)     * why do you suppose … ?: 왜 ~ 걸까요?     "Why do you suppose English is so difficult to learn?" (영어 배우기가 왜 그리 힘들다고 생각하세요?)   California International University www.ciula.edu (213)381-3710오늘의 생활영어 earth chances are california international erin are


[오늘의 생활영어] why on earth?; 도대체 왜?

Tony and Al are having lunch. (토니와 앨이 점심을 하고 있다.)   Tony: I got a postcard from Allan yesterday.   토니: 어제 앨런이 보낸 엽서 받았어.   Al: Yeah? Where is he?   앨: 그래? 앨런 지금 어디 있는데?   Tony: He's in Scotland now. Then he's going to England and Ireland.   토니: 지금 스코틀랜드에 있어. 다음엔 영국하고 아일랜드로 갈 거래.   Al: Why on earth is he in Scotland?   앨: 도대체 왜 스코틀랜드에 있는 거야?   Tony: I can't believe you asked that question.   토니: 어떻게 그런 질문을 할 수가 있어.   Al: How do I know why he's traveling around a little country in Europe?   앨: 왜 유럽의 작은 나라를 여행하고 다니는지 알 수가 없으니까 그러지.     Tony: Its happens to be the birthplace of golf.   토니: 스코틀랜드는 골프의 발생지잖아.   Al: You're right. If I'd given it some thought I would have known why he went there.   앨: 네 말이 맞다. 조금만 생각했으면 왜 거기 갔는지 알아챘을 텐데.   Tony: That's right. You know what a fanatic he is about golf.   토니: 그래. 앨런이 얼마나 골프에 미쳐있는지 알면서.   Al: So I'm sure he's having the time of his life even if he isn't playing well.   앨: 그럼 앨런이 골프는 잘 못쳐도 환상적인 시간을 보내고 있겠네.   기억할만한 표현   *the birthplace of (something): (무엇의) 발상지     "New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz." (뉴올리언스는 재즈의 발상지입니다.)   *give (it) some thought: 잘 생각하다   "You should give some thought to going to graduate school." (대학원 진학 문제는 잘 생각해야지.)   *have the time of (one's) life: 더 없이 즐거운 시간을 보내다.     "She thought she would have the time of her life but her vacation was disappointing." (그녀는 휴가 때 더 없이 즐거운 시간을 가질 거라고 생각했지만 그렇지 못했어요.)   California International University www.ciula.edu (213)381-3710오늘의 생활영어 earth hes having thought i she thought


[오늘의 생활영어] why on earth? 대체 왜 그런 일이 있죠?

(Penny and Erin are having coffee … )     (페니와 에린이 커피를 마시며…)     Penny: Chances are it’s going to rain tomorrow.     페니: 아마도 내일 비가 올 거래.     Erin: Really? I didn’t know that.     에린: 정말? 난 몰랐는데.     Penny: Don’t you keep track of the weather?   페니: 날씨 잘 안보니?     Erin: Not really. I keep an umbrella in my car.     에린: 별로. 난 차 안에 우산을 두고 다니거든.     Penny: I always like to know what the weather is going to be like.     페니: 난 언제나 날씨가 어떻게 될 지 알고 싶은데.     Erin: Why on earth is that important?     에린: 그게 왜 그리 중요한데?     Penny: I like to be prepared.     페니: 준비하고 싶어서.     Erin: I like to be surprised. I like walking in the rain.     에린: 난 놀라는 것도 좋아. 비 속을 걷는 것도 좋고.   Penny: Why do you suppose we are such good friends? We are so different.     페니: 우리가 왜 그리 친한 친구일까? 이리도 다른데.     ━   ☞기억할만한 표현      *chances are: ~할 확률이 크다, 아마도 ~ 할 것이다   "Chances are his marriage won''t last very long."   (아마도 그의 결혼은 그리 오래 가지 않을 겁니다.)   *keep track of (someone or something): 관심을 가지고 지켜보다   "When you are not an organized person keeping track of things can be difficult."   (정리 정돈이 안된 사람은 일이 어떻게 진행되는지 알기 자체가 힘든 법이죠.)   *why do you suppose…?:왜~걸까요?   "Why do you suppose English is so difficult tolearn?"   (영어 배우기가 왜 그리 힘들다고 생각하세요?)오늘의 생활영어 earth rain tomorrow chances are erin are


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