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Korean Beauty Brand 'The Blessed Moon' Secures Series A Funding

Company value reaches 22.5 billion won, growing over 3 times and strengthening its position in the global market The Blessed Moon (CEO Moon Eun-bin), a Korean beauty brand, announced on February 14 2024, that it has successfully secured Series A funding, raising a total of 2.5 billion won and achieving a company valuation of 22.5 billion won, marking more than triple growth in just a year and a half.   Three investment firms participated in this round: Korea Investment Partners, Seoul Investment Partners, and Dongmoon Partners.     Previously, in December 2022, The Blessed Moon secured initial funding of 1 billion won in a pre-Series A round, with a company valuation of 6 billion won. Since then, the brand has rapidly increased its value based on continuous growth and successful performance in the global market.   Differentiated Strategy and Global Influence The Blessed Moon has taken a distinctive approach compared to typical K-beauty brands. As a total beauty brand encompassing both color cosmetics and skincare, it has garnered significant attention in global markets including North America and Europe. The brand has established a strong digital content-based presence, amassing 670,000 followers on Instagram and 920,000 on TikTok.   The brand's uniqueness is also evident in its social responsibility initiatives, which form a core part of its identity. For instance, The Blessed Moon began philanthropic activities even before generating revenue, establishing schools in countries like India, Malawi, and Rwanda. While initially causing concern among investors, these efforts ultimately became a factor in attracting global interest, leading to exclusive contracts with major European countries including Spain, Germany, Italy, and France   Focus on Sustainable Structure Rather Than Rapid Expansion The funds secured from this investment will be used for organizational reinforcement and structuring, rather than typical marketing or production costs. As part of this effort, The Blessed Moon has relocated its headquarters to a standalone office in Yeoksam and strengthened its executive team, including the recruitment of former Extreme CMO Park Se-hwan and professional manager Kim Sun-jung as CFO, focusing on building a systematic structure.   CEO Moon Eun-bin stated, "While rapid expansion is important, we determined that strengthening our internal structure was necessary for sustainable growth. This investment was not just about growth, but a preparation process to continue our explosive success".   Achievements in Domestic and International Markets The Blessed Moon is expanding its presence in the global beauty market, simultaneously exporting to over 20 countries including Japan, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Notably, during its entry into the Japanese market last year, the brand achieved remarkable success with placement in over 4,000 stores and dominating the Scramble Egg billboard.   In the domestic market, The Blessed Moon recently attracted significant attention through its pop-up store at Lotte World Tower, reaching an average of 150,000 to 250,000 customers daily. Over the approximately five-month pop-up period, the brand successfully expanded its contact with domestic fans, recording 25 million visitors    최지원 기자secures funding beauty brands korean beauty brands uniqueness


가장 사랑받는 직장 밴쿠버 소재 O2E Brands

 미국의 대표 시사 주간잡지인 뉴스위크가 직원들에게 사랑 받는 직장을 선정했는데, 미국 잡지답게 대부분 미국 기업이었고, 캐나다 기업은 밴쿠버 소재 한 기업이 들어갔다.   뉴스위크(Newsweek)의 최애직장100(100 most loved workplaces)의 2023년도 발표에서 밴쿠버에 소재한 O2E Brands가 22위에 선정됐다.   O2E Brands는 크게 3가지 홈서비스를 제공하는 회사이다. 우선 집의 고물을 수거하는 1-800-GOT-JUNK사업과, 하루만에 페인트 작업을 해주는 WOW 1 DAY PAINTIN, 그리고 집을 청소해 주는 Shack Shine 등이다.    뉴스위크에 따르면 해당 기업의 종업원은 총 723명이다. 선정 이유로는 O2E Brands는 직원들간 결속을 위한 행사를 주최하고 함께 성공을 축하하는 강한 문화와 응집력을 갖는 팀이라고 설명했다. 또 직원들에게 제공되고 장려되는 전문 개발 프로그램을 통해 혁신의 자유와 성장을 이끈다고 소개했다.   이번 발표에서 1위를 한 기업은 자문 및 회계 법인인 영국의 HLB International이다. 뉴스위크는 이 기업이 보다 더 접근성, 유연성, 그리고 일과 삶의 조화를 제공해 직원의 사랑을 받았다고 설명했다.   100위 기업 중 절반이 넘는 58개 기업이 미국 기업이었다. 영국 기업이 12개, 그리고 브라질, 인도, 아일랜드가 3개씩이었다.   100위권 기업들이 소재한 국가는 총 23개이다. 이중 과태말라, 크로아티아, 버뮤다, 슬로바키아 등도 포함됐다. 홍콩을 제외하고 한국이나 일본, 중국 등 동아시아 국가는 단 1개의 기업도 포함되지 못했다. 표영태 기자밴쿠버 brands 밴쿠버 소재 직장 밴쿠버 동아시아 국가


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