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Doll Artist Influencer Miyoung Lee, Active as "Laticarosa", Wins Consecutive Gold Rose Awards at the 2024 United States International Doll Competition

Doll Artist Influencer Miyoung Lee

Doll Artist Influencer Miyoung Lee

Organized by the Doll Artisan Guild (D.A.G), the competition, held from May 1st to 4th, is internationally renowned for its excellence in ceramic doll artistry. Korean artists were finalists in a total of 13 categories, securing awards in 7 categories, thus enhancing Korea's reputation in the international doll art field.
Miyoung Lee participated in this year's competition with her piece 'Fashion Lady jumeau', a reproduction of an antique doll from 1870, receiving high praise for her artistic expression, creativity, and aesthetic sense.
Following her outstanding performance last year at the Japan GANAZAWA International Doll Competition, where she won the prestigious Millie award with a perfect score, miyoung lee has once again achieved the highest honor at the US competition.
Currently, She is active as an international influencer under the Instagram named "Laticarosa" sharing her own doll and doll clothing making techniques.
With the 47year history of the US International Doll Competition, preparations are underway for the 2026 event to be held in Korea, inviting doll makers from around the world for a more diverse experience.
Miyoung lee expressed her joy at all her entries receiving awards and her determination to continue representing Korea"s doll artistry on the global stage, eagerly anticipating the upcoming 2026 Korea International Doll Competition as a new challenge to engage with doll makers and enthusiasts worldwide.

강동현 기자 kang_donghyun@koreadaily.com

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