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Dongkook Healthcare Holdings' Patent Applied to Hyaluronic Acid Cosmetics (CL-100)

Successful Clinical Trial of 100-Hour Lasting Moisturization through Hyaluronic Barrier Formation

Dongkook Healthcare Holdings' bio-cosmetic brand 'Belprimo' has announced that it has successfully applied Dongkook  Pharmaceutical's patented hyaluronic acid to cosmetics and will be commercialized soon.
[Image Resource by Dongkook Healthcare Holdings]

[Image Resource by Dongkook Healthcare Holdings]

Dongkook Pharmaceutical's patented hyaluronic acid is characterized by the application of Dongkook Pharmaceutical's exclusive technology, Cross-Linking method, which dramatically improves the durability compared to conventional hyaluronic acid.
It has been recognized for its excellent efficacy and has been steadily generating sales in the Asian market as a specialized pharmaceutical product used in plastic surgery and dermatology.
According to a representative from Dongkook Healthcare Holdings, "After years of research and development, we have successfully applied the patented hyaluronic acid to cosmetics.
[Image Resource by Dongkook Healthcare Holdings]

[Image Resource by Dongkook Healthcare Holdings]

Through in-vivo testing of the patented hyaluronic acid in cosmetics, we have confirmed that it maintains over 100 hours of continuous moisturization.
We are pleased that many people will now have easy access to the patented hyaluronic acid."
The '100-Hour Hyaluronic Acid' cosmetics, incorporating the patented hyaluronic acid, will be released as Belprimo's new product, 'Hyal Barrier Ato Lotion,' scheduled for launch in July.

이동희 기자 (lee.donghee.ja@gmail.com)

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