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The Coder Unveils Game-Changing Anti-Counterfeit Tech at Asia Security 2024

The Coder Co., Ltd. a leading IT security solutions company, announced its participation in the Asia Security Conference & Exhibition, taking place from July 23 to 24, 2024, in New Delhi, India. The company will showcase its innovative 'DOT (Data on Things)' technology, which encodes data into physical objects.   The Asia Security Conference & Exhibition, themed 'The Power of Collaboration and Unity in the Fight Against Illicit Trade and Counterfeiting,' will bring together over 300 international experts. Attendees will discuss the latest trends, developments, threats, and solutions, share success stories, and engage in networking opportunities.   At this exhibition, The Coder will demonstrate how its DOT technology can be applied to various products, including ID cards like resident registration cards and driver's licenses, passports, tax stamps, pharmaceutical packaging, and vehicle license plates, enabling real-time verification of authenticity and other critical information.   The Coder previously participated in the EMEA Security 2024 held in London last April. Under the theme 'Do Digital,' the company showcased various innovative security solutions, including invisible code-based authenticity verification technologies. These technologies can be applied to a wide range of products, from special items such as passports, ID cards, tax stamps, and gold bars to everyday consumer goods like cigarettes, daily necessities, and luxury bags, as well as materials used in various industries such as metals, plastics, and rubber.   "We are honored to collaborate with global experts at Asia Security 2024 to address the challenges of counterfeiting and illicit trade," said Mr. Haengwoon Park, CEO of The Coder. "Our DOT technology sets new standards in the global security market, and we are committed to providing reliable security solutions across various industries through continuous innovation."   The Coder received enthusiastic responses from major corporate representatives, particularly from international stakeholders interested in applying anti-counterfeiting solutions for tax stamps. The Coder recently signed an MOU with Mindmatics in Malaysia to develop customized tax stamps for the Malaysian market.   Additionally, The Coder has been recognized for its innovative technology and achievements over the years. In 2019, the company received the NET (New Excellent Technology) certification from the Korean government for its DOT-based encoding and anti-counterfeiting technology, tailored to the physical properties of various materials. In 2023, The Coder’s smart paper, capable of identifying counterfeit products through DOT codes, was awarded the NEP (New Excellent Product) certification. This year, the same smart paper technology was designated as an Excellent Product for Government Procurement, further validating its excellence and reliability.   The Coder looks forward to strengthening its presence in the global security market through participation in Asia Security 2024 and fostering collaborations to create a safer and more transparent digital society.    박원중 기자 ([email protected])counterfeit changing asia security counterfeiting will technology which


[손헌수의 활력의 샘물] 네가지 질문

세금 보고철에는 일년동안 궁금했던 질문들을 가지고 찾아오시는 분들이 많다. 가장 흔한 질문 몇 가지를 소개한다.   1. Social Security Benefit은 언제 받는 것이 좋을까?   ▶일찍 신청하면 62세부터 받을 수 있다. 하지만 먼저 받으면 30%정도 줄어든 금액을 받는다. 1960년 이후 출생자라면 정상적으로 받을 수 있는 나이는 67세다. 이것을 70세까지 늦추면 연간 7~8%씩 수령액이 늘어난다.     그렇다면 62세에 받는 사람과 70세에 받는 사람 중에 누가 더 유리할까? 수령인의 수명과 관계가 있다. 오래 살수록 늦게 받는 것이 유리하다. 62세부터 줄어든 금액을 받는 사람과 70세까지 기다렸다가 받는 사람의 총수령액이 비슷해지는 나이가 80세 정도라고 한다. 그러므로 80세 이상 사는 사람이라면 늦게 받는 편이 좋다. 하지만 반드시 필요한 사람이라면 필요할 때 받아야 한다.   2.집값이 쌀 때 집을 사는 것이 좋은가 아니면 이자율이 떨어졌을 때 집을 사는 것이 좋을까?   ▶이자율이 높으면 집값이 떨어진다. 집을 사려는 사람들이 많지 않기 때문이다. 반대로 이자율이 떨어지면 집값이 올라간다. 융자에 대한 부담이 줄어들기 때문이다. 요즘은 이자율은 높지만 집값이 많이 떨어지지 않았다.     하지만 사려는 사람이 많지 않기 때문에 유리한 조건으로 살 수 있다. 그래서 집이 꼭 필요한 사람이라면 이자율이 높은 지금 집을 사는 편이 좋다. 조금이라도 유리한 조건으로 집을 사고, 나중에 이자율이 떨어지면 재융자를 받으면 된다. 이자율이 떨어져서 집값이 올라가면 너도 나도 사려고 달려들고 인기 있는 집들은 가격이 올라갈 수밖에 없기 때문이다.        3. Roth IRA가 좋은가 Traditional IRA가 좋은가?   ▶사람마다 다르다. 하지만 대부분의 근로소득자에게는 Traditional IRA가 좋다. 지금 당장 세금 혜택이 있기 때문이다. 7,000불을 가입하고 세금으로 3천불을 돌려받을 수 있다면, 당연히 가입해야 한다. 나의 은퇴연금으로 7천불을 쌓는데 정부가 3천불을 지원해주는 것이기 때문이다.     게다가 72세 이후가 되면 저 7천불은 2만불이 되어 있을 수도 있다. 물론 그 때가서 찾을 때 세금을 내야 한다. 하지만, 대부분의 은퇴자들은 그때 가서도 세금을 안낼 수 있다. 다른 소득이 없이 Social Security Benefit만 받는 은퇴자라면 더더욱 세금을 안낼 확률이 높아진다.    4. NVIDIA 주식을 사야 하나 비트코인을 사야 하나?   ▶제발 이런 질문은 제게 하지 말아주시기 바란다. 이건 워렌 버핏 옹에게 내가 묻고 싶은 질문이다. 하지만 하나만은 확실하다. 아무리 떨어져도 망하지 않을 우량주에 오랜 기간 투자하라는 것이다. 그리고 버핏 옹이 말씀하셨다. 절대로 절대로 절대로 돈을 잃지는 말라고 말이다. (변호사, 공인회계사)     손헌수손헌수의 활력의 샘물 social security 당장 세금 roth ira


Lucentblock, operator of ‘SoU’, S. Korea’s first and leading security token platform, raises KRW 15 billion in Series B

Lucentblock, the first and leading securities token (“ST”) platform approved by the FSC (Financial Services Committee, S. Korea’s financial regulator) has raised a KRW 15 billion (approx. $11.5m) Series B. In total, it has raised more than KRW 34 billion (approx. $26.2m).   Investors of this round includes Korea Development Bank (state owned development bank in Korea), Seoul Techno Holdings (investment arm of Seoul National University), Hana Ventures, Hana Securities, Kyobo Securities, ETRI Holdings (investment arm of ETRI, largest government research institution in Korea), Rowe Partners, Joshua Partners, Philosophia Ventures, etc.   “As Lucentblock is the first to structuralize token securities in Korea, we believe it has tremendous potential. Since it has a strong background in technology, finance, and real estate, we are certain that it can give a strong impact to this fractional investment market,” said Seonjong Ahn, CEO of Hana Ventures.   Seunghwan Mok, CEO of Seoul Techno Holdings, a returning investor who participated in both pre-A and series A rounds, said “We see great potential in fractional investment. We are behind Lucentblock’s vision, Until anyone can access any asset. While it is an investment platform, it is also creating cultures and giving unique experiences to users.”   ‘SoU’ is a service that securitizes commercial real estates so that users can trade securities of those in the platform. The Financial Services Commission (S. Korean government’s financial regulator) designated Lucentblock as an Innovative Financial Services (known as ‘Financial Regulatory Sandbox’), which means Lucentblock can operate this business freely with the regulator’s permission.   Lucentblock launched the service in April 2022, and issued the first security token (‘ST’). Since then, it listed six properties that are available to be traded.   Lucentblock plans to list more properties with current investment and increase user transactions. It plans on continuing to open unique spaces creating new ‘special and cultural experiences’. It aims to play the leading role in creating a new paradigm for investment culture.   Phillip Huh, CEO and co-founder of Lucentblock, said “Since the launch of ‘SoU’, we are excited and grateful by the stories we’ve heard from our customers about what it means to have ownership of properties both from an investment perspective and an experience perspective. With current capital injection, we will improve technological innovation and help our customers access more varieties of assets. We will continue to enhance the fun and safe investment experience for our users until anyone can access any asset.” 강동현 기자 [email protected] security leading securities token securities korea development


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