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YIDO Strengthens Brand Collaboration with Marriott International Secures Operating and Service Agreement for Moxy Hotel in Daegu

Eco-friendly company YIDO (CEO: Choi, Jung-Hun), a leading Value-UP platform in South Korea, strengthens its brand collaboration with the globally renowned hotel chain, Marriott International, based in the United States.   On the 1st, YIDO announced the signing of hotel management and service agreement with Marriott International for the Moxy Hotel in Daegu.     The Moxy Hotel in Daegu, located adjacent to the East Daegu KTX, a key transportation hub for intercity travel, is set to open in 2027.  Spanning from the underground 4th floor to the 18th floor, the hotel will boast approximately 190 rooms at the level of a 5-star hotel, along with various amenities such as accommodation facilities, restaurants, and neighborhood facilities.   With the introduction of the Moxy Hotel in Daegu, it is anticipated that the growing demand for accommodations from business and business-related visits in Daegu City and surrounding areas will be met.     The hotel is poised to address various customer needs related to a multitude of events and occasions. This contract marks the second business collaboration between YIDO, actively expanding its leisure business, and Marriott International, the world's leading hotel company, highlighting their commitment to mutual growth in the leisure sector. YIDO Corporation, in its pursuit of collaboration, previously acquired the Daegu Marriott Hotel, which opened in June 2021, solidifying its ongoing partnership with Marriott.   Daegu Marriott stands as the first international 5-star hotel in the Daegu region, featuring a standalone Private Dining Room (PDR), a buffet restaurant equipped with various dining rooms, and banquet halls of different sizes.     The Chinese restaurant 'Dongmoon' is under the expertise of Head Chef Ga hwi Jin who has accumulated 20 years of experience, including roles at renowned establishments such as Palsun of The Shilla Seoul and Chee Hong of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel.   Marriott International, headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, operates 9,000 hotels in 138 countries, making it the world's leading hotel company with over 30 brands.   The signing ceremony on this day was attended by officials including Choi Jung-Hun, CEO of YIDO Corporation, and Peter Gassner, Vice President of Development for Asia-Pacific at Marriott International.   CEO Choi Jung-Hun stated, "As a company specializing in enhancing the value of leisure assets, we have been expanding our presence from golf and entertainment to hotels. Through this collaboration with Marriott, we not only aim to provide distinctive hotel services but also strengthen our capabilities in the leisure service sector."   강동현 기자 [email protected] collaboration service agreement star hotel hotel management


㈜에스티자산운용(ST. Asset Management), 새로운 사명과 함께 대체투자 전문 금융회사로 도약

㈜에스티자산운용(ST. Asset Management)로 사명을 변경한 ㈜테라몬스 자산운용이 물적, 인적 쇄신을 단행하며 M&A를 성공적으로 마무리 지었다.     메리츠증권 이융수, 이승환 상무가 새로운 공동대표로 취임했으며 미국 LOS ANGELES에서 다년간 헤지펀드를 운영해 온 이천수(David Lee)가 신임 이사회 의장으로 선임되었다.     이융수 대표는 한국지방재정공제회 대체투자팀장, DB금융투자 대체상품팀장, 메리츠증권 종합대체투자팀장 등을 역임한 대체투자 전문가로, 지난 20년 동안 다양한 프로젝트를 성공적으로 이끌어 왔다. 대표적인 성과로는 미국 라과디아공항 운영업체 인수 및 셀다운한 것과 벨기에 파이낸스 타워를 딜 소싱하여 국내 최초 JR글로벌 리츠 IPO를 마무리 한 것 등이 있다.     이승환 대표는 하이투자증권 10년, 메리츠증권 7년, 도합 17년 동안 증권사에서 근무하며 다양한 부동산 PF딜을 이끌어온 정통 증권맨이자 부동산 PF금융주관의 전문가다.   그는 2016년 5,500억 수준의 여수웅천택지개발 초기 PF와 부산 명륜 1,2차 힐스테이트 PF을 주관했다. 그리고 2019년, 현재까지 최대 규모의 PF조달딜로 알려진 2.6조원 규모의 마곡마이스 개발사업 등을 마무리 짓는 등 화려한 이력을 보유하고 있다.     ST. Asset Management는 이융수, 이승환 공동대표의 경험을 바탕으로 올해 새로운 목표를 ‘부동산 블라인드 펀드 설정’으로 세웠다. 또한 2024년에는 M&A를 더욱 적극적으로 진행하여 VC 및 PE GP 라이선스를 취득할 예정이다.     뿐만 아니라 이천수(David Lee) 신임 이사회 의장을 통해 새로운 해외 펀드레이징과 딜소싱 등을 진행하고자 한다. 현재 ST. Asset Management는 메디컬센터, 시니어 레지던스 등 노인 관련 사업과 공간 사업을 유망업종으로 판단하여 관련 딜을 진행 중이다.   ST. Asset Management 관계자는 “향후 3년 내에 운용자산 1조원, 영업이익 100억 원 이상을 달성하는 것이 우리의 목표”라며 “기존 사업 영역을 확장하고 미래 먹거리를 찾아 부지런히 투자해 나갈 계획이다. 모두가 인정하는 대체투자 전문 금융기업으로 성장할 수 있도록 대내외적 노력을 아끼지 않겠다”고 말했다.      박원중 기자 ([email protected])에스티자산운용 management asset management 대체투자 전문가 한국지방재정공제회 대체투자팀장


FSN decides to issue a capital increase of 12 billion won in a third-party allocation…

◎ Securing additional shares of major shareholders to prepare for unstable market conditions… Expanded the friendly share up to 32.91% ◎ Aggressive investment in various new businesses such as blockchain and brand aggregator etc.   FSN (214270), a listed company on the KOSDAQ, will conduct a capital increase in which the respective CEOs Lee Sang-seok and Seo Jeong-gyo directly participate in order to strengthen management rights and realize responsible management.   FSN announced on the 24th that they have decided to issue a capital increase of 12 billion won (3,773,584 shares) to a third party. The secured funds will be actively invested in new businesses operated by FSN, such as blockchain and brand aggregation.   Lee Sang-seok and Seo Jeong-kyo, each CEO of FSN, will participate in this capital increase for a total of 6 billion won (1,886,792 shares), and Xeno Investment Asia will also participate in the capital increase on the same scale. The issuance price of new stocks is 3,180 won per share, and the expected listing date for new stocks is November 16th. Xeno Investment Asia, which participated in the capital increase together with their respective CEOs, is a subsidiary of Xeno Holdings, a major partner of FSN. These two companies have been building a strong relationship. They participated in this capital increase for future collaboration, and also the voting rights of Xeno Investment Asia, which were secured through the capital increase, are also delegated to FSN management as a sign of trust in FSN management.   FSN explained that through this capital increase, it was able to strengthen management rights and realize responsible management, prepare for unstable market conditions. As each CEO Lee Sang-seok and Seo Jeong-kyo participated in the capital increase, the stake in FSN management increased, and Xeno Investment Asia was also included as a friendly shareholder. The stake has been increased from 23.83% to 32.91%.   FSN plans to actively invest in its new business based on the raised funds. Currently, FSN is successfully expanding its business areas such as blockchain and brand aggregator as well as its existing business digital marketing. In the blockchain business, Sunmiya Club and Bellygom NFT have been launched and developed into Korea's representative PFP NFT projects. The brand aggregator business also provides integrated accelerating services to 10 partners through its subsidiary Boosterz and growing together.   Seo Jeong-kyo, CEO of FSN mentioned, “We have directly participated in this capital increase to realize responsible management and strengthen our management rights, and as Xeno Investment Asia also participated as a friendly shareholder, we have secured a total of more than 30% of our friendly shares.” , “We plan to invest in blockchain and brand aggregator businesses with the funds we raised this time and grow those new businesses rapidly”.   강동현 기자 [email protected] increase capital increase management rights billion won


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