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CATCH TABLE Launches an English Version of Its Application, Introducing K-Dining Culture to Foreigners

With its introduction to the application’s English version, CATCH TABLE expects foreign travelers who visit Korea to easily find great restaurants in Korea.   Yong Tae-Soon, CEO of Wad Co., Ltd., announced on the seventh that CATCH TABLE released an English version of the application and that it can be downloaded from the App Store.   CATCH TABLE explained that the intention of launching the English version is to promote Korean delicacies. Specifically, it aims to help foreigners who visit Korea to easily find good restaurants in Korea by using the application.   The number of tourists is on the rise as COVID-19 testing is unnecessary for incoming travelers visiting Korea. Moreover, Korea allowed foreigners coming from 112 different countries to enter without a visa, also leading to the influx of tourists.   CATCH TABLE is an application service that allows users to quickly and conveniently make live restaurant reservations. It provides a reliable service considering that more than 2 million Korean users actively visit the app just within two years of its first launch. The best part of this service is that the complicated communications, such as phone calls and emails, are removed in the reservation process. Particularly, users express high satisfaction on live reservations that are available twenty-four-seven.   CATCH TABLE has services that foreigners may be interested in, such as customized curation list of Korean foods. It also plans to continue updating furthermore in the future. CATCH TABLE also provides additional services. Users may filter restaurants by △ Date △ Number of Parties △ Price △ Food type and △Table Type. Other information, for example, valet parking and corkage services may be checked at once as well. It also provides discount tickets on restaurants listed in the famous guidebook.   According to one of the employees at CATCH TABLE, “We decided to start developing our English version because there were numerous requests on launching it”. He also stated that “incoming travelers in the past had a hard time emailing and waiting for an answer from restaurants to reserve seats; however, now they can search and easily reserve premium restaurants any time based on dates, time and number of parties”.   이동희 기자 (lee.donghee.ja@gmail.com)application introducing english version catch table application service


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