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퀸즈한인교회 온가족 가을축제 개최

올해 창립 55주년을 맞은 퀸즈한인교회(담임목사 김바나바)가 뉴욕지역 한인 및 지역주민들과 함께하는 대규모 잔치인 ‘온가족 가을 페스티벌(Fall Family Festival)’을 연다.   지난 1969년에 한인사회에 첫 선을 보인 이 교회는 ‘KCQ(퀸즈한인교회)는 멈추지 않는다. 22세기, 다음 세대를 준비하는 교회’라는 표어를 걸고 가족들을 위한 다양한 프로그램을 진행하면서 지역사회와 함께 걸어가고 있다.   이번에 마련한 가을축제는 지역사회와 함께 성장해온 교회가 이를 환원하기 위해 마련한 것으로 특별히 가족 중심의 페스티벌로 기획됐다.   퀸즈한인교회 교육부 디렉터 이현구 목사는 “퀸즈 지역에는 주민들이 한자리에 모이는 가족 중심의 페스티벌이 많지 않다”며 “이번에 퀸즈 지역의 한인 및 교회 인근의 타민족 가족이 함께 모여 하나님 사랑 안에 하나가 되자는 취지로 이 축제를 마련했다”고 말했다.   행사는 오는 14일(토) 오후 3시부터 오후 7시까지 교회 건물 안마당 넓은 공간에서 축제가 펼쳐진다. 행사 공간에는 ▶에어 슬라이드 ▶바운스 하우스 ▶푸드 코트 ▶카페 ▶뮤직페스티벌 ▶페이스 페인팅 ▶페인팅 컨테스트 ▶타이다이 ▶가족 사진관 ▶디저트 부스 등 다양한 부스가 설치된다.   방문객들은 각기 다른 부스에서 다양한 종류의 이벤트를 선택적으로 골라 즐길 수 있다. 또 참가자들은 경품 추첨을 통해 아이패드를 포함한 푸짐한 상품도 받아갈 수 있고, 교회는 방문객들에게 햄버거·핫도그·솜사탕·팝콘·커피·음료 등 다양한 스낵을 무료 제공한다.     행사는 오후 6시 30분부터 7시까지 교역자들이 준비한 스킷과 예배, 이어 경품추첨 등의 순서로 마무리된다.   문의: 718-925-1329(이현구 목사). 박종원 기자 [email protected]퀸즈한인교회 퀸즈한인교회 온가족 가을축제 담임목사 김바나바 이현구 목사 Fall Family Festival


[오늘의 생활영어] that's or it's news to me; 전 처음 듣는 소식이군요

(John and Helen are talking about their friend George … )     (존과 헬런이 친구 조지에 대해 얘기한다…)   John: Did you hear about George?   존: 조지 소식 들었어?   Helen: No.   헬런: 아니.   John: He’s moving to New York.   존: 뉴욕으로 이사가.   Helen: He is? That’s news to me.   헬런: 그래? 난 처음 듣는 얘긴데.   John: He’s moving this summer.   존: 이번 여름에 이사 간대.   Helen: Did he give a reason?   헬런: 이유는 얘기 해?   John: His wife has ties there. Her family is there.   존: 아내가 거기 연고가 있대. 아내 가족이 거기 사는 거지.   Helen: So she wants to go back because she misses her family?   헬런: 그럼 가족이 보고 싶어서 돌아가는 거구나?   John: Yes. She misses her family and friends.   존: 응. 가족하고 친구들이 보고 싶은가봐.   Helen: I guess Los Angeles wasn’t for her.     헬런: LA가 그리 맞지는 않았나보네.     ━   기억할만한 표현     * (one) has ties: 연고가 있다     "He has ties in the computer industry."     (그는 컴퓨터 업계에 연고가 있습니다.)   * go back (somewhere): 귀환하다 다시 가다   "I have to go back to the store. I forgot to buy bread."     (전 가게에 다시 가봐야겠어요. 빵 사오는 걸 잊어버렸어요.)   * (something) isn't for (one): ~가 ~에게는 맞지 않다   "The city isn't for her. She likes living in the country."     (도시는 그 여자에게 맞질 않습니다. 그녀는 시골에서 사는 걸 더 좋아하죠.)오늘의 생활영어 news 소식 helen are 아내 가족 her family


Principal Bruce Jeong of Middle East Investment Facilitates Aiitone in Signing MOU with the UAE Royal Family.

The MOU between the UAE Royal Family and aiitone has been concluded, confirming the promotion of business between Korea and the UAE.   KOSDAQ-listed company aiitone (CEO Jin Yeop Lee) announced on the 20th that it signed an MOU with the Royal Family Office led by the Prince (Ahmed Bin Faisal AL Qassimi) and a delegation at the headquarters of the Royal Family Office. The purpose of the MOU is to open branches in three Asian countries (Korea, China, and Japan) and to support Islamic banking in Korea.   Through this business agreement, aiitone plans to cooperate with the establishment of a branch office in Asia (KOREA, CHINA, JAPAN), which is being promoted by the Royal Family Office. The goal is to seek various collaborations by establishing an APAC (Asia-Pacific) network.   The Royal Family Office has decided to actively promote the expansion of Islamic banks in Korea and facilitate the entry of Korean companies into the Arab world. This includes attracting investments in promising domestic startups. In particular, it plans to cooperate closely with Korea in block chain fintech projects such as STO and CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).   This agreement was concluded after active discussions with the UAE Royal Family Office by Bruce Jeong, who serves as the Principal of Middle East Investments. Bruce Jeong also serves as the Chairman of Aiitone.   With the signing of this agreement, the entry of the UAE Royal Family Office into Asia has been confirmed. Officials from the Royal Family Office are planning to visit Korea next month to continue discussions.   An official from the Royal Family Office stated, "Companies and investors in the UAE greatly appreciate the value and potential of the Korean market and are eager to enhance exchanges and cooperation." The official also noted, "We are pleased to observe that non-oil trade between the two countries reached 5.3 billion dollars last year, and positive interactions between the two countries are ongoing this year."   He also expressed his anticipation, saying, "Through our entry into Korea, we will serve as a bridgehead to facilitate closer business development between Korea and the UAE."   An official from aiitone said, “This MOU serves as an opportunity to confirm the interest of the Arab world in block chain fintech." The official also added, "We will make efforts to contribute to the development of both countries in the digital economy and technology sector by actively utilizing our technology in the field of Web 3.0, such as XR, AI, and block chain."   Meanwhile, in January, the UAE government decided to invest USD 30 billion (approximately KRW 40 trillion) in Korea, demonstrating its trust in Korea. On the 6th, the 8th KOREA-UAE Joint Economic Committee was held to establish a long-lasting friendly relationship.    이동희 기자 ([email protected])investment principal royal family korean companies middle east


COVID-19 Variant Quick Facts: What You and Your Family Should Know

 By now, the whole world is more than aware of COVID-19, the deadly respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But to complicate everything, there are different variants of the virus that causes COVID-19. The one that has been making headlines is the delta variant, but what does this all mean, where exactly did these variants come from, and what do you need to know about them? First off, why are there different variants? By their very nature, RNA viruses, such as the virus that causes COVID-19, mutate or change over time when they multiply. When a virus’ genome has mutated enough from the original virus it becomes a variant.   What are some of the variants of the virus that causes COVID-19? Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are four primary variants: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. New variants receive new names based on the Greek alphabet. Will there be new variants? Will we always have the same variants? We don’t know if certain variants will survive permanently or not because inevitably new variants will develop. If a new variant has advantages over another like being more transmissible, it will overwhelm other variants and dominate. What does it mean to be a “variant of concern?” The CDC defines a variant of concern as one that is more transmissible and causes more severe of a disease. Treatments or vaccines available will also be less effective, and it may be harder to diagnose accurately. If they see changes like this, scientists are concerned enough to monitor the variant closely. What exactly is the delta variant? How is it different from other variants? Why is everyone more worried? The delta variant was first identified in India but quickly became an international concern because of its rapid spread. Research has shown it is more transmissible and infectious, and individuals who become sick with it may not respond as well to certain treatments. Individuals who become sick with the delta variant of COVID-19 also have more of the virus in their system and thus get sicker faster. They also potentially spread the virus faster. The delta variant is the dominant variant in the US, accounting for 83 percent of new COVID-19 cases in mid-July as reported by the CDC. This means that in a group of five people who have COVID-19, four of these people have the delta variant. This is all cause for concern, but there are ways to keep you and your family safe: primarily vaccination. Tell me more about vaccinations and the delta variant. Does it work? A study from the National Institute of Health Research headed by Dr. Jamie Bernal found that two doses of the Pfizer vaccine were almost equally as effective against the alpha and delta variants. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, over 99 percent of recent deaths were among unvaccinated individuals. Most of these new infections were also from the delta variant. CDC data shows that 97 percent of those hospitalized were unvaccinated. This means that if you are vaccinated there is a very low chance of becoming seriously ill or dying of COVID-19. The Mayo Clinic also reported that there is early evidence that vaccination decreases the severity of symptoms and risk of death in vaccinated individuals who do get COVID-19. Overall, it is clear that the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Every major health organization both nationally and internationally agrees on this and encourages vaccination because it both protects you and others in your community from spreading the virus. Additionally, the more people that are vaccinated, the smaller the spread of COVID-19. This means that the virus replicates fewer times, further reducing the risk of more mutations in the virus that could create new variants. How does the vaccination work exactly? The two main vaccines in the US are the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Both vaccines contain mRNA, which is basically instructions to make a protein that resembles a protein on the COVID-19 virus. This is not part of the actual COVID-19 virus. When we are injected with this vaccine, these instructions go into our cells. Our cells then take the instructions and make the protein, and exposure to this protein teaches our body that this is something it should destroy because it’s an invader. If our body encounters the actual virus, it recognizes the protein from the virus, and it is better at fighting it off. This prevents you and your family from actually coming down with COVID-19. Do masks still work against the delta variant? Yes! Masks are still the best way to offer extra protection from the COVID-19 delta variant. The idea of the vaccine is to prepare your immune system to fight off the virus, but masking will prevent you from coming in contact with the virus. For masks, the CDC recommends masks that fit tightly around the face and have multiple layers. These can be either cloth or surgical masks, and it also helps if a cloth mask has a filter layer. There is also the option to wear a surgical mask with a cloth mask over it to further reduce your risk of exposure to COVID-19. These recommendations remain the same as those prior to the emergence of the delta variant, so you can continue to wear the masks you already have as long as they fit well. According to CDC guidelines, you should still wear a mask, even if you are vaccinated, when indoors. Do I need to get a booster shot? As of early September 2021, the only group the CDC immediately recommended a third booster shot for was those who are moderately to severely immunocompromised and received the Pfizer vaccines as their first two doses. This is because these individuals may not have had as strong of an immune response to the initial vaccinations, giving them less protection against COVID-19. As of 9/24/2021, the CDC also officially recommends a booster shot for individuals over 65 or in long-term care facilities. Studies are still underway to evaluate if those who received a Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccine should receive a booster later on. This series of articles around COVID-19 is supported by OCA-APA Advocates Greater Washington DC Chapter internship.       Amanda Dahlvariant family new variants different variants primary variants


Family Protection을 위한 기간성보험 [ASK 미국 보험 - 조앤 박 재정 전문가

▶문= 다섯 식구의 경제를 책임지고 있는  40대 중반의 가장입니다. 생명보험 가입을 계획하고 있는데 유사시 가족을 보호할 수 있는 기간성보험에 대해 문의드립니다.   ▶답= 요즈음 생명보험은 평균수명이 늘어나면서 다목적으로 활용할 수 있는 플랜들이 많이 생겼습니다. 사망 후 받는 Death Benefit과 더불어 살아생전 혜택을 받을 수 있는 노후자금이나 롱텀케어 발생시 사용할 수 있는 Living Benefit의 의미로도 많이 가입하십니다. 하지만 생명보험의 가장 중요한 목적은 가정 경제를 책임지고 있는 가장의 유고시 사랑하는 가족을 경제적 어려움으로부터 보호할 수 있는 Family Protection입니다.     따라서 가장의 유고시 생활비나 모기지 페이먼트 아이들 교육비 등으로 사용할 수 있는 어느 정도의 자금을 생명보험을 통해 준비해 주는 것입니다. 그것은 가족들에 대한 사랑과 남아있는 사람에 대한 배려입니다. 요즈음 주위에서 전혀 준비가 안된 상태에서 가장을 잃은 유가족들이 슬픔을 느낄새도 없이 살아갈 일에 막막해하는 것을 종종 보게 됩니다. 물론 여유가 되어 종신형 보험을 가입한다면 더 좋겠지만 보험료에 대한 부담이 크다면 아이들이 커서 자립할 때까지 기간성보험인 텀보험을 가입해서 만일의 경우 남아있는 가족들에게 경제적인 고통을 덜어주어야 합니다.   현재 기간성보험은 10년에서 30년 또는 회사에 따라 나이에 따라 30년 이상도 가능합니다. 아이들도 어리고 모기지에 대한 페이먼트도 많아 큰 액수의 생명보험은 필요하지만 보험료가 부담된다면 필요한 기간 만큼만 생명보험을 들면 좀 더 저렴하게 가장 많은 Family Protection을 만들 수 있습니다. 예로 백만 불의 생명보험 중 50만 불은 아이들이 대학을 졸업할 때까지인 20년 텀으로 40만 불은 모기지가 끝나는 25년 텀으로 나머지 10만 불은 30년 텀으로 필요한 기간 동안만 준비한다면 보험료를 절약할 수 있습니다. 또한 기간성보험도 회사에 따라서는 만성질환이나 중병이 발생할 경우 일정 부분 또는 전부를 살아생전 미리 사용할 수 있는 리빙베네핏 등이 있는 플랜이 있으니 전문가와 충분한 상담을 하신 후 본인에게 가장 적합한 플랜을 선택하시길 바랍니다.   ▶문의: (213)718-8109 조앤 박 재정전문가미국 protection 현재 기간성보험 family protection 생명보험 가입


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