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Point Engineering begins mass production of MEMS pins

Korean corporation unveils product lineup

Shown above are new products of Point Engineering. From the left are PEC MEMS buckling probe, PEC MEMS spring probe, and PEC MEMS micro-cantilever. Photo courtesy of Point Engineering

Shown above are new products of Point Engineering. From the left are PEC MEMS buckling probe, PEC MEMS spring probe, and PEC MEMS micro-cantilever. Photo courtesy of Point Engineering

On Sept. 9, Point Engineering, a South Korean company specializing in display and semiconductor parts, revealed its latest product lineup and officially commenced the mass production of MEMS pins.  
MEMS, which stands for micro-electro-mechanical systems, refers to the technology behind tiny devices, particularly those with movable parts.
Since launching this innovative business in 2020, Point Engineering has concentrated on developing its products and getting ready for large-scale production.  
Headquartered in Asan, located about 90 kilometers south of Seoul, the company started delivering products to a few domestic and global customers during the second quarter of 2024.
Point Engineering aims to expand its market presence by highlighting its new high-precision micro pins, essential for testing high-performance semiconductors, on its website.  
The newly introduced lineup includes the “buckling probe pin” for high-spec memory testing, such as HBM, and high-density non-memory semiconductors; the “spring probe pin” designed for package testing; and the “micro cantilever pin,” intended for memory chip evaluation.
These MEMS pins, manufactured using the company's proprietary MMPM technology, feature a high aspect ratio of 20:1, with dimensions of 100 micrometers in height and a linewidth of just 5 micrometers.  
Point Engineering emphasized that these specifications allow for testing high-density, narrow-pitch semiconductors, a task that posed challenges with conventional pins.
Additionally, the firm highlighted that the MEMS pins can form a multi-beam structure, improving force control and increasing both volume and surface area, which supports high-power semiconductor testing.
As demand for AI computing and high-speed, high-density chips, such as HBM, continues to rise, advancements in testing technologies are rapidly evolving.  
Point Engineering stated that its micro pins have received excellent feedback from customers for their performance, quality, and competitive pricing, surpassing the limitations faced by existing pin manufacturers.
Some clients have already gained approval for mass production by using Point Engineering’s micro pins to achieve more reliable testing results.  
The company is currently in talks with several clients regarding the mass production and prototyping of its new product lines.
Point Engineering’s micro pins measure just 1.5mm in length, roughly one-fourth the size of traditional 4.0-4.5mm pins commonly used in AP chip probe cards.  
These pins are known for their stable pin force, excellent electrical properties, and proven reliability, having passed over 1 million contact tests.
To address concerns about production yields, Point Engineering noted that it has achieved an over 85 percent yield rate through equipment automation and process enhancements.  
Currently, the company is producing 1 million pins per month, with plans to scale up production to 3 million by the end of 2024 and 10 million pins per month by late 2025.
An Bum-mo, the CEO of Point Engineering, shared, “We have developed the One Mold MEMS Spring Pin, overcoming the limitations of the pogo spring pin in the 90-200 micrometer pitch range. We are confident in offering a cost-effective solution for high-performance semiconductor testing, including HBM, to a wide range of customers.”
The company also reiterated its commitment to ongoing research and development, with the goal of launching its own standardized products by the end of the year.  
It plans to lead the global market with innovative products such as fine-pitch guide plates, micro gears, micro molds, and micro bumps using its MMPM technology.
For more details on Point Engineering’s MEMS pin design and online sales inquiries, customers can visit the company’s official website  

강동현 기자 kang_donghyun@koreadaily.com

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