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STraffic establishes the world's first 'UWB' technology-based non-contact public transportation payment system… Expectation of adoption of global standards based on next-generation technology

Completed introduction of new payment system using tagless and QR code
Expected to increase convenience by applying hybrid app to 4 stations

STraffic, a global transportation solution specialist, has developed the world's first non-contact public transportation payment method, 'Tagless System', and a new QR code-based payment system in conjunction with the Seoul Transportation Corporation in connection with the '2nd Speed Gate Project improved Manufacturing, Purchase and Installation'. It was announced on the 2nd July, 2024 that it had been built.
[Oksu Station in Trial Operation ]

[Oksu Station in Trial Operation ]

STraffic is improving the speed gate in 174 passages at 70 stations and at the same time installing a 'tagless system'. It is to embody a hybrid app to integrate the function of Bluetooth and 'UWB (Ultra-Wide Band)' in 10 passages at 4 stations in Seoul Transportation Corporation (Yongdap Station on Line 2, Oksu Station on Line 3, and Dongjak/Sadang Station on Line 4). 
STraffic's independently developed tagless technology is designed to minimize the range of error through Bluetooth location measurement to accurately charge users, and UWB technology, which can measure precise location, was applied in parallel to the new speed gate.
Tagless gates allow for convenient boarding and alighting without tagging the transportation card to the gate, and are currently being introduced in some subways. It is expected that it will help ease the use of transportation for the vulnerable and reduce station congestion. Additionally, since there is no preparation process to take out a card or smartphone and stop in advance, it is expected to increase convenience for users by reducing waiting lines for ticket gate payments and congestion at stations.
[Tagless gate being piloted by Seoul Transportation Corporation for employees - provided by STraffic]

[Tagless gate being piloted by Seoul Transportation Corporation for employees - provided by STraffic]

UWB technology, a next-generation wireless communication technology, is widely used in real life, such as precise location measurement for industrial safety and automobile smart keys. As the number of smartphone models adopting UWB technology applied to premium smartphones gradually expands, it is expected that the UWB technology-based transportation card system will be adopted as a global standard in the future.
An STraffic official said, “We will establish ourselves as a leading company in the public transportation payment field by building an innovative transportation card system by applying UWB, a next-generation wireless communication technology in parallel with Bluetooth technology, to subway gates.” He added, “Including this tagless system, we will establish an innovative transportation card system.” “We will continue to aggressively expand the global market through continued technological development and innovation,” he said.

박원중 기자 (park.wonjun.ja@gmail.com)

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