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The K-Food Wave in Europe: Lucid Kitchen's ‘Kang Jee Young Kimchi’

Lucid Kitchen

Lucid Kitchen

In November 2023, Lucid Kitchen opened its offline shop in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, boasting a high-level commercial and residential culture comparable to the 17 districts of Paris, which have the highest income in Europe, attracting attention from various local Europeans.
Thanks to the popularity of Kang Jee Young Kimchi, the brand experienced overwhelming demand for premium kimchi, evident from the complete sell-out of kimchi during the entire business days at Made in Asia held in Brussels in March this year.
Buoyed by this popularity, Lucid Kitchen plans to host a traditional low-moisture Kang Jee Young Kimchi cooking competition in Brussels on March 29 and a social media kimchi content challenge in May.
Lucid Kitchen's Kang Jee Young Kimchi began selling premium kimchi at Horeca Total's store in Brugge, Belgium in December 2023 and expanded to Antwerp and Ostende stores. The Kang Jee Young Kimchi promotional event will be simultaneously held at Brugge, Antwerp, and Ostende stores from April 16 to 19, 2024.
This promotional event presents an excellent opportunity to introduce Kang Jee Young Kimchi, an authentic premium kimchi, to more local consumers. Moreover, it holds significance in attracting interest from major local retailers, beyond Korean and Asian markets.  

강동현 기자 kang_donghyun@koreadaily.com

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