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2023 Global Clean Environment Awards Held in Seoul

Action for Clean Environment (ACE), a global non-profit organization with a mission to facilitate global environmental activism, successfully organized 2023 Global Clean Environment Awards Ceremony. This was the fourth year for the awards ceremony and a ceremony was held in 22F Opal Room, Plaza Hotel Seoul, at 11AM on July 19, 2023. The awards ceremony was sponsored by Panacell Biotech and Beautyline Medical Group.  
[Image Resource by ACE]

[Image Resource by ACE]

The Awards Selection Committee chose five winners in Healthcare, Business, Entertainment & Media, and Global Youth Leader. Five winners are The Plug Drink (USA) in Healthcare Sector, Reco (Korea) in Business Sector, Jongsoo Kim in Entertainment & Media Sector, and lastly Young-Wook Suh Sohn and Jay Young Chang in Global Youth Leader Sector.  
During the ceremony, a global youth speaker, Eric Hyun Sim (9th, Eaglebrook School) spoke about how awards winners contributed to the global society and environmental issues. Henry Huang (CEO of The Alchemy Group) delivered a congratulatory address by video clip for the ceremony.  
The Committee stated that five winners made an outstanding contribution with a positive impact on the improvement of environment and better livelihood of human beings.  
“It was a proud moment to be with five outstanding winners who demonstrate their passion for solving global environmental problems. And ACE focuses on the coexistence of mankind, environment, and economy.” Mr. SangYong Lee (Chairman of Awards Selection Committee & Former Deputy Director at MBC News Room) said.  

*The List of Winners*
1. Healthcare: The Plug Drink (USA)  
2. Business: Reco (Korea)  
3. Entertainment & Media: Jongsoo Kim (KBS Journalist)
5. Global Youth Leader: Young-Wook Suh Sohn and Jay Young Chang
* Awards Selection Committee*  

1. Chairman of the Awards Selection Committee - Mr. SangYong Lee (Former Deputy Director, MBC Newsroom)
2. Judge – Mr. Yemi Akisanya (Director of Diversity and Inclusion, OCC)

3. Judge – Mr. Diego Xue (CEO & Co-Founder, Pangu VR)
4. Judge – Mr. Arkar Hein (Researcher, Myanmar Economic Research Institute)
5. Judge – Ms. Jennifer Zhang (Jeneration Capital CEO)  
6. Judge – Mr. HyoJoon Park (Head of Woojin Management and Legal Affair Institute)

이동희 기자 (lee.donghee.ja@gmail.com)

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