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Y&Archer Co., Ltd. Successfully completed the 2022 Global Tech Startup Fostering Project

The “2022 Global Tech Startup Fostering Project” supervised by the R&D Special Zone Promotion Foundation (INNOPOLIS) and operated by Y&Archer Co., Ltd. has successfully ended.
[Image Resource by Y&Archer Co., Ltd.]

[Image Resource by Y&Archer Co., Ltd.]

The 2022 Global Tech Startup Fostering Project is a program that supports the commercialization and global advancement of research institutes with excellent technology.
The program includes Market of Material, which developed an online brokerage trading service for industrial materials based on machine learning, C2C Materials, which developed an eco-friendly filter solution using old-fashioned activated carbon, Icerti, which developed video information data security encryption software, Enercamp, which developed a portable charging solution, and Dr. K Healthcare, which developed a simple skin analysis and personalized skin care solution using a smartphone. Dr. K Healthcare participated in Y&Archer's global conference "2022 A-STREAM in Singapore" and conducted IR pitching for 40 local investors.
It has secured a bridgehead for entering the local market by signing an MOU with “Social Collider,” a local startup accelerator, for using local office space and supporting entry into the local market.
Hyunsoo Kim, Y&Archer Center Director said “Through this program, we were able to support Korean startups with excellent technology to advance overseas.”  
“We will continue to support companies participating in the program in the future, as well as strive to discover and foster other companies with excellent technology.”

김진우 기자 (kim.jinwoo.ja@gmail.com)

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