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“CES 2023’s Innovative cosmetic facial sheet mask with clean-tech Biocell as paper-based power source.”

At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, beauty devices are once again joining home electronics such as smart TVs, laptops and robots on the convention floor. However, Young&Be’s Bio-radiance Mask was also able to join this Exhibition being a facial sheet mask with iontophoresis technology to enhance the absorption of cosmetic ingredients into skin’s deeper layers. Unlike devices that cost hundreds of dollars with same technology, known as galvanic, Reziena unveiled a cosmetic product that combines this microcurrent technology with easy-to-use sheet masks at a more affordable price so that everyone can experience clinical skincare results in the comfort of their home.
[Young&be Bio-radiance mask]

[Young&be Bio-radiance mask]

Major companies in the beauty industry regularly exhibit new technologies, where the beauty tech presence continues to be a large part at the Consumer Technology Association’s event this January 5-8th. This year’s item that is getting a great deal of public attention is Young&be Bio-radiance mask with sustainable clean-tech energy.

[Image Resource : Young&be]

[Image Resource : Young&be]

It has two lines Revitalizing and Brightening with a user-friendly package in contrast to other brands with similar technology, involving many additional steps, items, or devices in the package. Additionally, Bio-radiance Mask can penetrate far more effectively than normal sheet mask and to ensure customers that the current is generated, Reziena has placed an LED light on the mask as an indicator of when the power supply has been activated. This way, customers are certain that the product actually has a power supply and is currently generating microcurrent when the LED light is on.

Reziena created a solution that combines microcurrent technology with sheet masks so that anyone may experience professional clinical treatments at home.

이동희 기자 (lee.donghee.ja@gmail.com)

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