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Eisai Korea MOU with KASWC

Eisai Korea operates ’Eisai Brain Health School’ through a MOU with KASWC (Korea Association of Senior Welfare Centers)

Eisai Korea, a global healthcare corporation, announced a MOU with KASWC in 24th of November 2022 operating “Eisai Brain Health School”, a cognitive activity service for the senior welfare centers.  
[Eisai Korea MOU with KASWC]

[Eisai Korea MOU with KASWC]

Eisai Korea provides selected cognitive training programs to senior welfare centers through years of experience in open innovation and healthcare ecosystem construction. It plans to improve awareness of dementia, support preventive activities, and foster professionals who can provide cognitive activity services.
'Eisai Brain Health School' is a senior welfare center-type cognitive activity service that provides physical, social, nutritional, sentiment, and cognitive domains services based on an integrated approach of cognitive interventional treatment in `Developmental research of Criteria for Operating Senior Welfare Center Type Cognitive Activity Service` issued by KASWC last year.
From December 2022, demonstration classes will be operated for 25 senior welfare centers, and through this process, the efficiency of operation for senior welfare centers will be improved and will organize optimized programs for cognitive training of the senior  
Afterwards, a public contest will be held for member companies of the KASWC twice in the first half and second half of 2023, and 40 senior welfare centers will be selected among the senior welfare centers that support the contest.
Major programs by each territory are as follows; ▲ Cognitive area (Memory classes, Saemi talk), ▲ Physical area (Woo-ah dance), ▲ Nutrition area (lecture), ▲ Sentiment area (kit utilization education), ▲ Social area (external activities), etc.
In addition, 'Cogmate' will be used to measure the BPI (Brain Performance Index) observe difference between before and after participating in the 'Eisai Brain Health School'. ‘Cogmate’ is a program that allows to check the health condition of brain in a simple way through 4 tests in about 15 minutes.
In this regard, Eisai Korea CEO, Ko Hong-Byeong stated, "It is meaningful to sign a MOU with the KASWC, which strives for the welfare enhancement in physical and sentiment health of the senior." He added, “We will work close with Korea Association of Senior Welfare Centers to promote awareness and preventive activities for dementia.”
Park No-Sook, chairman of KASWC, has stated, "We are delighted to have signed a MOU with Eisai amidst a growing interest in dementia prevention in the face of a super-aging society." She also added, “I expect to prevent dementia and improve cognitive ability by providing various programs to the senior through Brain Health School. We will continue to work to improve the health of the elderly population in our society.  

김진우 기자 (kim.jinwoo.ja@gmail.com)

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