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[Student Reporters] Going Camping for Calculus and the Great Outdoors?

Angela Kim
10th grade
Los Angeles Center for
Enriched Studies

Rivers flowing through the mountains snow falling throughout the day trees in every direction. Most people see these sceneries only when they are camping not when they are studying for AP exams. AP Calculus students at the Los Angeles Center for Studies held a Calculus Camp on April 7 to 10 to study for the exam. Most students study individually or sometimes in small study groups. However at the Calculus Camp students all gathered in the cafeteria and cabin in a larger study group.

The camp was arranged by the Calculus Club and many students found it to be helpful. Ruby Kim sophomore said "It was more fun than I expected because we got to ask each other questions and benefit from them." Kim believes that the camp helped her get more attention than in a classroom and learn from her peers. Everyone can benefit from using this method of studying because they can review by teaching others and learn new things from others.

The Calculus Camp was also a unique way of studying because students were able to enjoy camping with their friends while learning. It was not as tedious as studying regularly because they were able to do activities like hiking between the study sessions.

Kim said "Calculus Camp is very hard to manage so it's impressive how it was managed at LACES. Other schools might not have a club that arranges it." The camp was a special experience for students at LACES because they got an opportunity to enjoy Calculus while studying for the exam.

The camp itself consisted of busy schedules for each of the four days.

Kim said "I didn't realize that I could get so much studying done in one day." These schedules helped students benefit the most from the camp by encouraging them to work hard every day.

Many students like Ruby Kim who attended Calculus Camp think that it was an effective way of studying for the AP exam. Other schools can also use this method of studying to help students get higher scores on the AP exams.

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