[Student Reporters] Batting Hunger at the LA Foodbank
th grade
high School
"I think that if we're benefitting from being a part of this society we should always give something back" said Jessica Lee a junior and the President of the Make-a-Wish Club "There are a lot of people out there who can't even afford to buy food and it's our job to help them by taking part in the efforts to organize and distribute foodstuffs to these people."
Since the daily amount of work needed at the Foodbank far surpasses the amount of work the employees and staff are capable of providing volunteers are always welcomed.
"I don't think the Foodbank could run and do its job without its lovely volunteers" said Kate Cook a staff member responsible for aiding the volunteers at the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank "Volunteers are always appreciated in such settings."
Responsible for sorting out and throwing away inedible rotten fruits and vegetables while picking out and organizing the fresh ones the volunteers spent 4 hours filling up countless crates with comestible produce By the end of the session the members of the Make-A-Wish Club covered in fruit and vegetable juices were filled with high spirits and left greatly satisfied with their work-knowing that their efforts would help many families in need overcome some of their difficulties.
"The feeling of satisfaction that comes from this kind of volunteer work is overwhelming" said Richard Ban a sophomore member of the Make-a-Wish Club.
Ban and his fellow members of the Make-a-Wish Club felt that experiences like these were necessary in order to help shape a better person and a better community and that such efforts to help those in need were small but crucial steps toward developing a more ideal society.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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