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[Student Reporters] The Economy Aggects Teenagers 'Lifestyles'

Ji Young Shim / <12th, Cerrtios High School>

Contrary to the popular belief that "economy" is an adults-only term today's economic recession has also greatly affected the lifestyles of teenagers.

The effect on teenagers is clearly portrayed by the drastic drop in teen employment rates. According to a recent federal study despite the $1.2 billion the Congress had set aside for jobs for youth the summer youth employment rate has hit a record low of 29.1 percent - the lowest ever since World War II.

Equaling the decrease in youth employment rates is the rapid rise in the number of teens who seek consignment shops also known as thrift stores for cheaper secondhand clothing. Meanwhile magazines directed towards teen girls such as CosmoGirl ELLEgirl and Teen Vogue have all come up with tips on how to stay fashion savvy amidst the recession thereby coining the term "recessionista."

Many parents some who have been recently laid-off are cutting back on allowances as well.

"My mom used to occasionally give me allowance but not anymore. Also I'm not allowed to drive around everywhere or hang out with my friends as often as I used to" said Chris Im a junior at Cerritos High School.

Another significant change lies in the eating habits of teens. Many teenagers have stopped eating out a lot and are spending less even when they do go out and grab a bite.

"I used to be the type of guy who spends money freely without much thought but recently I've begun to limit the amount of money I spend especially on food" said Jae Park a senior at Cerritos High School. "In fact I now have a newfound appreciation for McDonald's dollar menu."

As expensive clothes allowances hang-out time with friends and money spent on food are all dramatically reduced it is clear that yesterday's necessities are becoming today's luxuries. And unfortunately in today's ruthless world education does not escape the category of yesterday's necessities.

"It comes in the form of angry e-mails from our peers pressuring us to submit letters of complaints to our local leaders to ensure that funds such as Cal Grants don't get suspended" said Marie Kim an incoming freshman at UCLA. "College is already extremely difficult to afford and the economic recession which so many politicians try to claim is recovering only exacerbates the situation."

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